I started making this as a reply to another suggestion, but I felt it grew to warrant its own thread.
Before we start getting more new units the units we have need to be made worth while.
1) As it stands the Tiller Ladder Trailer is useless. It's a more expensive platform that you can't put any equipment on, need 2 spaces for, need 2k more for, and need to put the crew through special training for. Realistically, tillers (Tractor Drawn Aerials) cannot be removed from their "Tractors" without special equipment. Having the tiller as a trailer is, if anything, unrealistic. I understand it is probably done to show that tillers take up more space than the normal apparatus, but it is still a better option to just choose a tiller graphic and apply it to the platform/quint you have.
2) Piggybacking off of other suggestions I have seen. We could also take the new trailers (Large/Small HazMat/Heavy Rescue) and turn them into just "Large Trailer" and "Small Trailer" with the ability to have each hold equipment to tailor them how we want. This would help condense the number of units (the 4 above trailers and the mobile air trailer could be removed) while not "removing" units since they could still be made.
2a) Also with equipment, the current way it is set up isn't the best. Realistically, for an apparatus to have a light tower it needs a generator. Neither of those take up a large amount of space and should be dropped to only taking up 5 "slots" and needing only 1 person. Their current listings of taking up 10 "slots" and needing 3 people to run makes them hard to really use. Also, having "Mobile Air" need 3 people to run is a bit much. In my experience unless you have 2 people who know what they are doing, it's a job for 1 and the 2nd just gets in the way.
3) Stations should be able to be built with Pumper Tankers just as they can with Type 1's, Type 2's, and, at the rank of Captain, Rescue Engines and Quints. I also feel that Pumper Tankers should be moved to the "Firetruck" tab of the vehicle menu since they are the only non-extension unit that counts as a fire engine that isn't in that tab.
4) Give the EMS Fire Engine/Ambulance a pump & water (even as low as 1000gpm/300gal) since it is the only unit that counts as a fire engine that has neither
4a) Give the EMS Rescue the ability to carry some equipment (probably 20 to keep it with the Heavy Rescue).
5) Sort vehicles from the "Other Vehicles" tab in the vehicle market into the correct tab (ie. Put the Water Tanker in the "Tanker" tab) to help clean up those sections.
5a) Don't have vehicles in multiple tabs. The "Mobile Air Trailer" is in both the "Trailer" and "Other Vehicles" tab. The 2 Tanker Trailers are in both the "Trailer" and "Tanker" tabs. I would try to have everything in the most accurate tab (using the above examples, have the Tanker Trailers in the "Tanker" tab only).
Needed fixes and a few ideas
I would assume that the EMS Engine has water but it is just not listed or otherwise it would not be called an engine.
I would assume that the EMS Engine has water but it is just not listed or otherwise it would not be called an engine.
Yes, but when you compare a Type 1 Engine
and the EMS Fire Engine/Ambulance
there is no Water amount or pump capacity.
I am just asking for there to be something added for the EMS Fire Engine/Ambulance for the calls where there are water or pump requirements. -
If it is an ENGINE it has water... and a pump or it would not be an engine
If it is an ENGINE it has water... and a pump or it would not be an engine
I don't understand why the devs added the ems engine in as an engine w/o water and or foam.. it does fill the place for an engine but it is not productive for fire suppression
you dont understand.....it has water and pump or it is NOT an engine... they just didnt list it in the description
If it is an ENGINE it has water... and a pump or it would not be an engine
We're not arguing it isn't an engine. I am saying that since it is, it just needs to be brought into line with the other engines that do have their pump and water capacity listed.
Based on how the game operates with it no having any pump or water capacity listed it does not have a pump or water onboard. They need to be added for it to really be an engine. -
Yes. Yes. Yes, to everything in the OP's post.
Another thing that I would add... I see no reason why rescue engines can't be the towing vehicle for the Flood Equipment Trailers
I also feel that Pumper Tankers should be moved to the "Firetruck" tab of the vehicle menu since they are the only non-extension unit that counts as a fire engine that isn't in that tab.
Yes! This is a bit of a sore point for me lol.
ThreadPumper Tanker to show under 'Firetruck' tab.
The Pumper Tanker unit, like the Medium Tanker and the Heavy Tanker, counts as both a firetruck and a bushfire vehicle. But unlike these units, the Pumper Tanker does not show up under the 'Firetruck' tab in the alarm window, solely appearing under 'Bushfire Vehicles'. I find this especially annoying when dispatching units from stations with the bushfire expansion because I have to rely on my memory to tell me that there is a pumper tanker available, or keep switching to the bushfire vehicle…Curiosity03September 26, 2023 at 1:01 PM Hopefully we can get this changed, across all versions. (by the way CA's, as per my poll, 10 others also agree)
All of your other suggestions also make sense to me. I would like to see them all in-game.
it will show under the engine tab if you set it up that way using the lssm
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