• Okay, so two main questions,,( assume that there are the required trained personnel, extensions and equipment designated)

    1. Do Lifeguard stations, or more to the point.."small coastal boat trailer"s do anything? my actual docks spawn and respond to calls, but the trailered coastal boats do not seem to ( assigned to either a lifeguard or a fire station with water rescue extension) ..before I make more at $500k I just want to check ( RIB trailers and Rescue/RIB do work )

    2. Do we know which storage " equipment" works and which does not?

    The ones I think do....It SEEMS to me that foam,heavy rescue/tech/search and rescue and hazmat work ?

    I am pretty sure wildland equipment ( assigned to pumper/tanker) counts as a wildland engine ? It also seems like " hose" assigned to a wildland does count for a normal assignment

    I am totally unsure about " flood" ( I have it assigned but have no calls for it so far )

    But I am also thinking that the following do NOT work ? Air/light/generator ?

  • #1 if it is a "trailer" it has to be assigned to a towing unit. The tow vehicle option will appear if you uncheck the "random traction vehicle" box

    #2 I can't comment on the "Equipment" as I opted to not go in and purchase all that "stuff" because I had way too many stations built when they implemented it.

    My HAZMAT and Foam Stuff does work fine

    Not sure on the Wildland question as again, I dont use it but I think you are right

    Flooding stuff requires you have the correct extensions to generate calls. I had them but deactived them as I was getting more flooding and water rescue calls. The numbers were overwhelming

    I opted to go with the Mobile air truck and just call it an Air/Light/Rehab unit

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

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