Regarding the illegal Dispatch Bot (Please Read!!!)

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    Hello MissionChief Players from All Versions. I would like to take a few minutes of your time to let you know how serious this Dispatch Bot is.

    To the Creators/Owners of these Bots, You don’t realize how much this affects the Game in a negative way.

    Players purchasing and using this Bot to cheat to gain Credits/Top the Leaderboard and ruins the fun for everyone else who actually want to play. For years we’ve been working on stopping this and every time we get a handle on it there is always someone else who takes over to recreate it to make a profit and corrupt the Game.

    If this continues this will eventually cause the Game to lose Players and go downhill which has already begun.

    As a Lead Moderator/Administrator and Liaison for the Content Teams I am putting a stop to this!

    To the Bot Owners/Players who use it, We know more than you realize so if you don’t want to get banned you need to stop your illegal activities immediately!

    This Bot is only going to make matters worse and Players are already giving up cause of the Cheaters in here!

    Everybody is having a fit because of Players being taken off the Leaderboard, well I wonder why!

    The Moderation Teams and Game Developers wouldn’t have to go with such extreme measures If Players in this game would only just play fair!

    So if you think you’re safe with using this Bot then guess again. It’s gonna get shut down!

    This isn’t fair to the 90% of Players who want to play!

    I don’t want to hear well it’s my game I can play how I want!

    When you started playing you agreed to Terms and Conditions that you are breaking which have Consequences!

    Consequences have Actions! You all thought we wouldn’t do anything about it which was a big mistake!

    To the entire MC Player Community I sincerely apologize for the Cheaters in here. This will get resolved!



  • Thanks for posting this. I play daily and I play hard although I am not high in rank or points. I may be dense, but for the record, I have no earthly clue what this "bot " is or how it works. Could you possibly expand on what exactly it is and what it does for those of us (like myself) that don't know. It may help especially to be able to recognize it, should someone in our alliances begins to use it and we ca report it.

    Thanks so much

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

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    Thanks for posting this. I play daily and I play hard although I am not high in rank or points. I may be dense, but for the record, I have no earthly clue what this "bot " is or how it works. Could you possibly expand on what exactly it is and what it does for those of us (like myself) that don't know. It may help especially to be able to recognize it, should someone in our alliances begins to use it and we ca report it.

    Thanks so much

    The Dispatch Bot known as Autobot automates the Game. Pretty much programmed to act as a Pkayer while you are away from your PC. It basically plays for you while you don’t have to do anything which I don’t find to be fair at all.

  • The Dispatch Bot known as Autobot automates the Game. Pretty much programmed to act as a Pkayer while you are away from your PC. It basically plays for you while you don’t have to do anything which I don’t find to be fair at all.

    Thanks for the explanation.. Now I know. I always stay logged in to continue to generate missions and then come back when I am not busy.. But, I was not even aware of that "bot".

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • The Dispatch Bot known as Autobot automates the Game. Pretty much programmed to act as a Pkayer while you are away from your PC. It basically plays for you while you don’t have to do anything which I don’t find to be fair at all.

    But some players keep their games on when they're playing, so how would the dev team know who's keeping their browsers open vs the but users??

    I'm against cheating all the way, what's the point of getting the game if your just not actually gonna play? There's no logic of having a bot to play the game for you

  • But some players keep their games on when they're playing, so how would the dev team know who's keeping their browsers open vs the but users??

    I'm against cheating all the way, what's the point of getting the game if your just not actually gonna play? There's no logic of having a bot to play the game for you

    Not trying to be rude but....I think you meant "keep their games on when they're not playing" and "keeping their browsers open vs the bot users??"

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • Not trying to be dis-respectful/rude or anything, just think you meant to say actions have consequences. again not trying to be dis-respectul or rude but just doesn't make sense that's all

    But... It didn't need to be pointed out publically. The point was conveyed, you knew what was meant, we knew what was meant. A private message would have been more appropriate.

    Chief, I'm a rescue man. I trained to be a rescue man, and I like being a rescue man. - Johnny Gage, LA County Rescue Squad 10

  • But some players keep their games on when they're playing, so how would the dev team know who's keeping their browsers open vs the but users??

    I'm against cheating all the way, what's the point of getting the game if your just not actually gonna play? There's no logic of having a bot to play the game for you

    There are tools available to detect the botting, from basic investigatory tools which anyone can use and see an account is not just active, but clearing missions more than what is humanly possible to behind the scenes work the Devs can use.

  • All,

    Just wanted to provide an update on our efforts on Mission Chief UK to counter botting.

    First off, we know what bots you are using. I've been in the discords, I didn't hide, I used my actual discord, that's how easy it was. You're given the impression your community is safe, yet I was told exactly how the bots avoid detection, what can be used to make the account appear to be legit. All I heard was how we can sit there and interrogate an account knowing how these bots work.

    For those of you who saw this post and thought you'd deactivate your bot, too late, either we know who you are, or we've got proof of you using a bot, and some of you have even confessed to it.

    The Content team is committed to catching anyone using a bot and all evidence we have is passed straight to the Developers.

    If you are keen to ensure our communities remain fair and all play on equal terms, please do not hesitate to contact anyone in the Content teams for an anonymous chat.

    If anyone would like to talk to me, I am faster to get hold on IG (same IGN) or on discord - Chewie1375.

    - Chew.

    Edited once, last by Chewie (January 27, 2025 at 12:26 PM).

  • But some players keep their games on when they're playing, so how would the dev team know who's keeping their browsers open vs the but users??

    I'm against cheating all the way, what's the point of getting the game if your just not actually gonna play? There's no logic of having a bot to play the game for you

    Sometimes it's made obvious when they've been completing missions for 24+ hours straight. It's also much more difficult to keep a constant rate of mission completion over an extended time for a human versus a bot script.

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