What is the hotshot crew training for and what truck do they go in?

Hotshot crew
What is the hotshot crew training for and what truck do they go in?
HOTSHOTS are required on some wildland type fires.. the bigger the fires the more hotshots required... as many as 40 or more. I put mine on type on, type 7 and type 4 brush engines and there is a "Crew Carrier" in the "other vehicles" tab that holds 12. I train them and staff them throughout my set up to give me a large amount of HOTSHOTS on one unit, as if they are some organized Hotshot Team. Hope this helps.
Yes it did help thank you
Hotshot training will get you the expanded version of the wildfire / forest fire missions. Look under possible missions, and you will see two versions of medium wildfire that both say 8 fire stations, and 2 forestry extensions, the 5000 credit version is the one that needs hotshots.
If you click details on the 5000 medium wildfire mission, it lists Required Personnel Available 40 hotshots that is how many you need trained in all your stations to get that mission to generate. On the other side where it says Required Personnel 20x Hotshot that is how many the mission will need to finish. And for a major wildfire to generate you need 120 hotshots trained in total.
So if you start training hotshots train a lot more than you think you need and check the possible missions list. You can also cross train your smoke jumpers as hotshots and they will count as both if you chose to do that.
I may be wrong but I don't see a requirement anywhere (unless I missed it) for the wildland fires in the rural fire missions tab that you must have 120 trained hot shots in order for any wildfire mission to "generate". All of them do require the forestry extension (for which you can set change the mission generation area of the station. All of them will require additional extensions such as the firefighting plane and smoke jumper planes (which have to have firefighting plane stations built) which allows you to put up to 20 smokejumpers on each plane. Then each mission will requires Hot shots, lead planes, and smokejumpers on a smokejumper plane or some combination there of with sometimes as many 60 Hot Shots on a mission (60 is the most I have seen so far and I have all the extensions). I mentioned the crew carrier and that is a great way to have a large number (12 each) of hot shots on one vehicle. As mentioned above, I do cross train my smokejumpers as hotshots and the crews on the water drop vehicles as hot shots as well just to get more there. I took some fire stations I built and removed the engines, adding brush engines and hot shots as well as dozers and a dozer transport and made them just Florida Forestry offices. Moderators have said that adding the firefighting planes and helicopters as well as the dozers/transports is reported to speed up those missions a bit.
Thank you guys I did not know about cross training I will start doing that
I may be wrong but I don't see a requirement anywhere (unless I missed it) for the wildland fires in the rural fire missions tab that you must have 120 trained hot shots in order for any wildfire mission to "generate".
Go to the possible mission list, use the search box for mission name, Type in major wildfire
this will give you the list of all the variations for just major wildfire, they go from 10,000 to 22,800
if you look at the 10,000 credit major wildfire and the 13,000 major wildfire they both list the same requirements on that page 14 fire stations ,2 Police Stations, 4 Forestry extensions.
Now if you click the details button for the 13,000, in there is where it lists the personnel needed.
Same with the 19,800 and the 22,800 the 19,800 does not need hotshot.
Thanks... I see it now .....thanks for the information
I transport my HS crews from crew carriers and air attack on the smoke jump planes. the air attack crews are cross trained for HS and Smoke jumpers
Thank you
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