Me again! (yes i updated the thread, old thread in the spoiler below)
For those who don't know me:
I am lost, german dude who's coding stuff for in his spare time made some redesigns and other extensions which you can install and use to modify your game.
So what can the LSS Manager v3 do?
- new layouts and designs
- plenty of new features
- clock in map
- urgend radio calls in map
- minimize missions
- search for missions
- statistics
- dashboard
- keyboard shortcuts
- station planing
- and many more
- plugin based appstore, only activate the stuff you need
- better performance than the v2 version
- more to come
NOTE: i am not affiliated with the owner of (who's also the owner of missionchief and meldkamerspel, so basically sebastian) - i am doing this with a team of 4 people.
Check the spoiler below for old screenshots when i first announced the version 2 of the lss manager i wrote. On page 3 you can find some screenshots of the LSS Manager v3.
[spoiler=original post]Hey guys,
i'm from and here to share my redesigns + scripts i've written for which also work for missionchief.
First of all a picture to get a impression of it.
[Blocked Image:]
As you can see, i've tweaked the design a little bit and gave it a clean modern look. But there is more behind it - The white button group on top allows you to switch from emergency cases(missions) to radio, chat, buildings and of course the settings of this tool. But what you can't see is, that there is another helpful script running in behind + you can switch the appearance of the design (colors of the heading tabs).
There is also a second layout done yet - more to come (which you can choose in the settings tab). This one is the 'without map mode'
[Blocked Image:]
Here is the settingspanel (not done yet and also still in german ^^)
[Blocked Image:]
The other script allows you to use your keyboard to press 'alert and next' + 'previous mission' + 'next mission' and some more things. (unfortunately, it does not work rn for missionchief, since i have to translate a few words in my code, in order to work) The whole thing is called 'LSS Layout Manager' and will be out soon. At the moment i am doing some tests with friends on before i'm able to release it (so beta status rn - this is open source and all you need is a little plugin for your browser).
Opinions? (even if here are not as much players as on the german version, i still thought to be nice and share this since it's really usefull)