Hi, i have just sent a question over on the alliance page. thanks

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Admin, Moderators, dont really think its fair that other alliances members dislike our post. all we are doing is advertising and keeping our post active.
It is the same people disliking it
It is the same people disliking it
i have noticed that also.
- Official Post
I'm guessing you're being disliked because you're bumping your post every few days. Which, I'll add, is against the rules. I've been lax about it because I tend to moderate this board less strictly than the others.
- Official Post
As Gavin said try to post less often instead of bumping, and then we will see what happens
I'm guessing you're being disliked because you're bumping your post every few days. Which, I'll add, is against the rules. I've been lax about it because I tend to moderate this board less strictly than the others.
i do apoligise for the bumping of the post, ill leave off doing it.
I think I know why we get so much hate round here. It's because our alliance is relaxed and un realistic. Not hardcore players but casual. We let in everyone that applies no one is left out. No requirements.
come and join our alliance. oh look admin/mod first time in 10days i get a negitive mark...
As Gavin said try to post less often instead of bumping, and then we will see what happens
Please could you close or delete this Thread please.. we no longer require two.
- Official Post
Thread closed
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