Would you like to see the Decontamination Unit in game? 10
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Here is a thought of a self-contained Decontamination unit. The unit it self is about the size of a medium school bus. The purpose of the unit is to decontaminate personnel that got contaminated at calls of Hazardous materials. Depending on the severity of the call, would determine the percentage of personnel possibly being contaminated (patients). You can see what one looks like here: Self Contained Decontamination Unit
1 Fire Academy - Specialization of Decontamination Team
In the Academy: Lesson is 4 days, Class Capacity 10, Cost 100-500/person/day
Needed after 15 Fire Stations
1 Hazard Material unit
Cost of the unit: 32,000 Credits or 30 coins
Fire Extension for Decontamination Unit
Cost for Extension: 100,000 Credits or 20 coins
Extension Build: 7 Days
Personnel: 6 crew trained with Decontamination Education
Patients at calls:
Hospital: General Internal
Transport Possibility: 75%
Possibility of Patients: Variable depending on severity of call