Smoke Jumpers

  • Smoke Jumpers, Yes or No? 66

    1. Yes (52) 79%
    2. No (14) 21%

    Smokejumpers are specially trained Wildland firefighters who provide an initial attack response on remote Wildland fires. They are inserted at the site of the fire by parachute. Smokejumpers are trained and experienced Wildland firefighters.

    So here is my idea. Wildland trained firefighters that could have their own plane transport to fly to a huge wildfire requiring wWldland firefighter personnel rather than units. Since we use a personnel count for SWAT trained personnel why not do this with Wildland trained firefighters as well? There could be a hangar for these plane transports and possibly a training course for Smoke Jumpers. What are your thoughts? Players in some rural and mountainous areas would use this. Would definitely gives players something to work on.

    A hangar could have extensions up to 3 or 4 planes. Each plane could hold 12-24 Wildland trained firefighters. And 3 days to a week for training courses.

    These could require a Wildland training course along with a Smoke Jumper training course.

    What do you all as a community want to see with this?

  • I like the idea, and it sounds work able with the current game mechanics. I saw a post a while back about specialty trucks and the response was something along the lines of having things in the game that everybody would/could use. Since my stations are all in Fl, I wouldn't have much need for it and only those in the Western part of the US could really put them to good use. I think that is the only thing that would hold up putting this in.

  • I feel as though wildfires should be locked away behind an expansion wall, same as water rescues and airport calls are. For areas that dont have much or any wildfire activity, they could just not make any wildfire stations to ensure they wont generate calls that need wildfire equipment when they dont have any. Further this will allow players to not have to ruin their realism setups by adding wildfire units that dont exist in real life.

  • I feel as though wildfires should be locked away behind an expansion wall, same as water rescues and airport calls are. For areas that dont have much or any wildfire activity, they could just not make any wildfire stations to ensure they wont generate calls that need wildfire equipment when they dont have any. Further this will allow players to not have to ruin their realism setups by adding wildfire units that dont exist in real life.

    That is the plan

  • I would love to see Wildfire Camps, that only store Wildfire apparatus, and also extensions for regular stations like California who also store Wildfire apparatus.

    Already planned :thumbup:

  • To follow up on this, what does everyone think of the new expansion?

    I'm a little concerned as I've splashed out a LOT for the new Fire Heli and in two weeks it hasn't lifted off even once

    It seems hit or miss. I ran for a couple of hours and had one "medium" size wild fire. Then the other day I had to large wild fires back to back and nothing in between. On the other hand, I had 2 earthquakes a day here in Fl and that was more than a little annoying. They need to do something about that.

  • The hotshot crew would be considered the same as the crew carrier imo that makes them universal across the board. As for the update, I haven't seen very many of the wildland incidents, as compared to all the earthquakes, but I understand its part of a ratio calculation system. I am however disappointed in the limit of aircraft.

  • I feel as though wildfires should be locked away behind an expansion wall, same as water rescues and airport calls are. For areas that dont have much or any wildfire activity, they could just not make any wildfire stations to ensure they wont generate calls that need wildfire equipment when they dont have any. Further this will allow players to not have to ruin their realism setups by adding wildfire units that dont exist in real life.

    They already are. You have to have the forestry expansion and activated in order to receive woodland fire missions.

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