Alliance member unable to use Alliance prison.

  • Hi guys my member is struggling with prison because he cant able to take prisoner to the jail.

    My location is Chennai TN. I have built new prison at Mumbai for newly joined Alliance members they are from Mumbai MH. Approx. 1300km from my location.
    I have finished building a Cell with coins and its ready to use. But the players from Mumbai reporting "we were not able to take prisoners to Jail. What would be the reason for this?

    More Info.
    Prison built as Alliance Building? Yes
    Connected to Dispatch center? No Because i already have dispatch in my location. and i was not able to link because its 1000+km away.
    Alliance members distance from Prison? 50km approx.
    I am the owner of the alliance.
    The building is free of tax.

    Thank You.

  • I had a similar issue with my alliance prisons. I had a prison based in the UK that for some reason, people could not transfer to. It was an issue for a minute and then they were all of a sudden able to transport to it again. I don't know if it is just a weird glitch or what the problem is but I guess it is something to be on the lookout for.

    Las Vegas, Nevada (US Version)
    Primary Admin of United Dispatch Alliance

  • I had a similar issue with my alliance prisons. I had a prison based in the UK that for some reason, people could not transfer to. It was an issue for a minute and then they were all of a sudden able to transport to it again. I don't know if it is just a weird glitch or what the problem is but I guess it is something to be on the lookout for.

    Now any solution for this? I lost 100000 for building first time and i destructed due to the problem now again this problem. What to do now?

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