Dispatch Center turning on and off

  • There should be a way to turn on or off dispatch centers. One may choose to play one area and not the other in the same account.

    Also when one is expanding into another area and a new dispatch center is created for that area, they may not have all the required units built for the new area yet , like HazMat, MCV, BCs, rescues, water tenders, etc They player can chose to turn off the new area and continue to gain credits with the original area until the new area can be put into service with the required units.

  • There should be a way to turn on or off dispatch centers. One may choose to play one area and not the other in the same account.

    Also when one is expanding into another area and a new dispatch center is created for that area, they may not have all the required units built for the new area yet , like HazMat, MCV, BCs, rescues, water tenders, etc They player can chose to turn off the new area and continue to gain credits with the original area until the new area can be put into service with the required units.


    I support this suggestion, and I think for those who like doing different locations that are not nearby their previous ones is a great asset. I think what should happen is you are only allowed 1 Dispatch Center to be set to "Out Of Service" in which ANY station that is attached to that dispatch center is placed on an "Out Of Service" status.

    With that being said, there must be a requirement of 1 dispatch center online to do so. I also think we should have it set so you can only do this at a certain rank, or a certain amount of stations attached to the dispatch center.

    Great suggestion and I support it all the way!


  • Also when one is expanding into another area and a new dispatch center is created for that area, they may not have all the required units built for the new area yet , like HazMat, MCV, BCs, rescues, water tenders, etc They player can chose to turn off the new area and continue to gain credits with the original area until the new area can be put into service with the required units.

    This is already possible, by selecting the option in the dispatch center settings to create own coverage area. It will then only use stations that are assigned to that dispatch center when generating calls. The ability to toggle a center OOS is a great idea though, I've thought it would be a handy feature for a while now.

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