Oceans in MC are boring and you dont get any calls, so If a Ocean POI was added it would make the game a lot better for people who have coastal departments.
Maybe even a Coast Guard station at some point. Some of the calls that can be added with this POI are.
Sinking Cargo ship: police, fire, ems
Sinking oil tanker: police, fire, ems
Drug smuggling: police
Pirates: police, ems
Ship collision: police, fire, ems
Lost child at sea: police, ems
Ghost ship: police
Boat check (lasts for 30 minutes): police
Illegal fishing: game warden
Those are just some of the call that would be possible with this one POI. If other POIs are added like Bay, Island, Reef, and Sand bar the water calls would be endless. With thinks from sinking ships for a major call, to illegal fishing for the game warden. If just the ocean POI is added it would be a game changer for people on the coast.