Reduce EMS Expansion Price

  • Hey! In my county (which I'm trying to simulate realistically), most if not all fire stations have 1 ambulance and maybe a fly-car. Some have more. Purchasing EMS expansions for each of them isn't really tenable. Maybe we could get an EMS expansion that only let us buy 2 EMS units that's cheaper and lets those of us with lots of small ems expansion needs simulate our areas more effectively. For stations with more EMS units, the original expansion would still stand and let us purchase more units than the small expansion. Just a thought. :/

  • Just buy a small ambulance station and place it on top of or directly next to the fire station

    I would agree with this statement. It really makes the most sense.

    I build realistically as well, place the EMS station directly on-time or beside the fire station achieves the exact same result as the expansion with the following benefits:

    - Station available immediately, versus having to wait 7-8 days

    - Cheaper cost (no cost to upgrade from small to large station, no cost for the ambulance expansion).

    - 1 ALS Ambulance provided with the station + Cheaper bay expansions for the next bay

    - Two personnel readily available, instead of having to hire.

    Based on my calculations below, that is a savings (assuming you have not past the 25 FD stations) of 215 000 credits & 7-8 days, plus an additional 50 000 credits for the first bay expansion.

    100k, 1 free ALS Ambulance, 3 staff
    No Waiting, Ambulance available immediately

    50k Small FD + 50k Upgrade to Large (below 25 stations)
    + 100k for the Extra Bay
    + 100k for the Expansion
    + 15k for the ALS Ambo
    + 7 Days Waiting & Hiring

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