Can we get a way to assign towing units? I have a station that handles swiftwater rescue with a designated utility unit (Swift Water Team 35) but the general utility unit (Utility 357) typically winds up towing the boat. The station does have 2 boats and in reality I think U357 does wind up towing one of them from time to time, but I’d like to assign SWT35 to tow the first due boat.
Assign Towing Unit
Never noticed that before, much appreciated.
apparently you can not do this with dozers?
apparently you can not do this with dozers?
Actually you can, but you'll need to uncheck the box for "Random Traction Vehicle".
Actually you can, but you'll need to uncheck the box for "Random Traction Vehicle".
ok.... how do I do that? I do not see any option or anywhere it states "random Traction vehicle"
ok.... how do I do that? I do not see any option or anywhere it states "random Traction vehicle"
Look at the pic you posted above. It's in the square you draw on it above the tow vehicle selection line. If it is checked the tow vehicle drop down won't be there.
thanks... I will screen shot my Dozer Trailer. I do not have that in the edit vehicle box...
thanks... I will screen shot my Dozer Trailer. I do not have that in the edit vehicle box...
Need to see the top of ss. Your ss looks like it may be for a regular vehicle instead of trailer.
This a ss of my dozer trailer.
We need a photo of the trailer not the cre cab
Thanks....I understand now. I got it figured out. I apologize for being "slow"
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