The police depot is locked for 5 Billion Credits which imo is way to high like maybe 20 Million not 5 billion
why is the detension Van locked behind a extension I really want to have police vans in local stations
it makes absloutely no sense why a station can have armoured vehicle with out a extension but not a detnsion van

What actually is the police depot anyway? I suspect this update has been accidentally added because there's been no word on it from the advisors yet
Maybe just a surprise update for easter?
Imo this was rolled out really bad why is it named detension van, just name it a PTV, whats the point of a mlti dsu carrier because standard dsus usally carry 2 dogs? M-RAV this seeems like really bad job of naming vehicles ? what is this for no idea
the moutnted units need 2 for missions which is awful as a very few amount of forces have them and defo not 2, Missions requiring 90+ staff doesnt help when polie stations spawn with 2 staff and there is no quick way to get staff without spending coins, i would of rather a seprate building for public order sp we can spawn with more staff then TWO.
Mission Pay, every new mision doesnt pay enough for the amount of recourses needed
police SGTs and Inspectors ?? what unit do these ride in Vans? irvs? MRAV or what ever its called? -
Turns out I was wrong about it being early, can't wait to play with some of the new vehicles (though 100k is a tad steep)
My thoughts - Police Depot is definitely locked far too high, which IMO is a pure money-grab attempt by devs. I'm sorry to see that.
Names of the vehicles don't hugely matter since they'll be renamed by most players anyway.
Having a DSU with 4 cages isn't uncommon and is pretty handy for some larger missions like riots.
Having a requirement for 2 Mounted Units is not ideal but then again I'd expect those in alliances to support eachother. I know the MET certainly have more than 2, Avon and Somerset also have 2. I'm sure it's rare but not so rare that it breaks the game for the majority of players.
Having a van that can carry 4 prisoners is very handy! Thank you!!
The armoured ARV is also great as I know the majority of Police Services (Not to mention PSNI) use them. It would be good to see at least 5/6 staff being hired automatically upon completion of the expansion, but I don't see a major issue in waiting for the rest as the expansion takes time anyway to build, and you can hire at all stations then transfer personnel across ten at a time.
Mission pay on MCUK is already higher than many other servers, I'd be grateful it's this way and not worse. I suspect the Sgts and Insps can ride wherever, be it on PSU vans or cars or traffic or ARVs or whatever. IRL they're in every department, so I'll be spreading them out.
It would be awesome to have an overview of the use of the Depot, and I'd bve grateful if someone could identify the difference between Lvl 1 & 2 Public Order training?
Thanks in advance (and in general) to the content advisors and TACRfan for putting together another absolutely massive and detailed update, far sooner than I think I expected to see it. An amazing amount of effort and time volunteered for free. We'd be playing less than half the game we are now without you all!
*Edit* Having payed 50 Coins for the Depot I can see the following:
- 10 Vehicle spaces as standard.
- 20 Extra vehicle spaces at 20k for the first, 70k for the second, then odd increments of 100k or over after that.
- Maximum of 40 prison cells purchasable at 25k credits each.
- "Police & Public Safety Extension" available to purchase at 100k, unlocking the PSU update vehicles.
- 20 Employees to start with. No option to transfer staff to/from police stations. Hiring is still 1 per day.
Thanks whitchit! I think it was intended to be 5 million.
- Official Post
The police depot is locked for 5 Billion Credits which imo is way to high like maybe 20 Million not 5 billion
why is the detension Van locked behind a extension I really want to have police vans in local stations
it makes absloutely no sense why a station can have armoured vehicle with out a extension but not a detnsion vanwasn’t supposed to be locked behind a credit limit. Devs have thrown that in last minute.
Detention van is not a cell van and shouldn’t be confused with it. They are large cans that carry a lot more prisoners from large public order incidents.
What actually is the police depot anyway? I suspect this update has been accidentally added because there's been no word on it from the advisors yet
Police depot is a large police station. Think Polar Park at Heathrow airport. The devs didn’t want to increase the amount of vehicles available in a police station so a bigger police station was the only option.
Imo this was rolled out really bad why is it named detension van, just name it a PTV, whats the point of a mlti dsu carrier because standard dsus usally carry 2 dogs? M-RAV this seeems like really bad job of naming vehicles ? what is this for no idea
the moutnted units need 2 for missions which is awful as a very few amount of forces have them and defo not 2, Missions requiring 90+ staff doesnt help when polie stations spawn with 2 staff and there is no quick way to get staff without spending coins, i would of rather a seprate building for public order sp we can spawn with more staff then TWO.
Mission Pay, every new mision doesnt pay enough for the amount of recourses needed
police SGTs and Inspectors ?? what unit do these ride in Vans? irvs? MRAV or what ever its called?Detention van is what they are called.
A standard dog unit doesn’t carry two dogs for public order, they may carry a general working dog and a scent dog.
M-RAV is the correct name for an armoured vehicle. The Janell Guardian is classified as an M-RAV.
The horse requirement was supposed to be two trained staff not two vehicles.
The police depot was supposed to give you many more personnel. You can’t have public order missions without needing large amounts of personnel.
Mission pay when I submitted the missions was as follows
Bar fight
Unlicensed music event
Small protest
Medium protest
Large protest
This was changed by the devs because apparently constables are worth 100, inspectors 150, sergeants 200 so totalling all those up is what you are left with. I said this was nowhere near enough when players are going to have to spend 1,000,000 plus training. What do I know
Are you telling me you would have liked sergeant and inspector versions of each vehicle? This was allows you to have firearms sergeants, firearms inspectors, traffic sergeants etc.
Honestly to the community as a whole this might be the final straw for me, I’m fed up of battling the devs who then make me and my team out to look like we don’t know what we are talking about.
- Official Post
My thoughts - Police Depot is definitely locked far too high, which IMO is a pure money-grab attempt by devs. I'm sorry to see that.
Names of the vehicles don't hugely matter since they'll be renamed by most players anyway.
Having a DSU with 4 cages isn't uncommon and is pretty handy for some larger missions like riots.
Having a requirement for 2 Mounted Units is not ideal but then again I'd expect those in alliances to support eachother. I know the MET certainly have more than 2, Avon and Somerset also have 2. I'm sure it's rare but not so rare that it breaks the game for the majority of players.
Having a van that can carry 4 prisoners is very handy! Thank you!!
The armoured ARV is also great as I know the majority of Police Services (Not to mention PSNI) use them. It would be good to see at least 5/6 staff being hired automatically upon completion of the expansion, but I don't see a major issue in waiting for the rest as the expansion takes time anyway to build, and you can hire at all stations then transfer personnel across ten at a time.
Mission pay on MCUK is already higher than many other servers, I'd be grateful it's this way and not worse. I suspect the Sgts and Insps can ride wherever, be it on PSU vans or cars or traffic or ARVs or whatever. IRL they're in every department, so I'll be spreading them out.
It would be awesome to have an overview of the use of the Depot, and I'd bve grateful if someone could identify the difference between Lvl 1 & 2 Public Order training?
Thanks in advance (and in general) to the content advisors and TACRfan for putting together another absolutely massive and detailed update, far sooner than I think I expected to see it. An amazing amount of effort and time volunteered for free. We'd be playing less than half the game we are now without you all!
I’ve addressed most points on this above so won’t type them out again. I’ll do an overview in a bit when I have a little more time. Do you mean difference between L1 and L2 in game or IRL?
I appreciate the kind words.
Thank you TARCfan I appreciate it I am sorry to here the Devs causing issues or adding things that weret intended as the riot missions don't pay enough but its not your fault ad I understand that, Noo thats not what I meant I was just asking if it was a another vehicle locked behind extension, could you please try your best to get it lowered form that 5 billion which 0 players
I’ve addressed most points on this above so won’t type them out again. I’ll do an overview in a bit when I have a little more time. Do you mean difference between L1 and L2 in game or IRL?
I appreciate the kind words.
Hi TACRfan - Please see my edit on the post I made, I've done some looking into the depot and put some stats there for people. (I'd love to see the vehicle limit in the depot increase above 30 but I might be a tad greedy there! I'd like to know the difference in-game, as I'm not sure which to train more of as the "lower level of training".
I get that you're struggling, battling the devs to get what we want and then getting backlash from us because of the Devs changing things, and many of us presuming things would be different in our own heads. Many players don't use the forum and don't complain, and I'm sure the love it, but sadly people usually put more effort into complaining than praising. So on behalf of the thousands of players who are thrilled by this update and the versatility it provides us, thank you again! You really are the bread-and-butter of the community.
Transfering staff between police depot - police sa=tatio will be handy but thanks TACRfan and Whitchit.
- Official Post
I appreciate it, if added the way we wrote it and sent it to the devs, this could have very well have been the best update in a while if not so far for the game. We just end up having to seem to be diplomatic negotiators between the two.
- 10 Vehicle spaces as standard.
- 20 Extra vehicle spaces at 20k for the first, 70k for the second, then odd increments of 100k or over after that.
- Maximum of 40 prison cells purchasable at 25k credits each.
- "Police & Public Safety Extension" available to purchase at 100k, unlocking the PSU update vehicles.
- 20 Employees to start with. No option to transfer staff to/from police stations. Hiring is still 1 per day.
Was supposed to be a total of 50 vehicles max. And expansion slots less than that.
The name of the extension is bugging me as if anything it should have just been Public order expansion. Police and public safety sounds American and doesn’t make sense as the term public safety for things like this isn’t used here.
Transfer must be a bug
Missions will require both trainings for the different roles at an incident. Level 2 is the highest, level one being lower and will be used for most low level disorder type missions. L1 will most likely end up being used more than 2 over time as and when more missions are added
Certainly happy with this update as I’m sure a lot of other people are, I share the majority of concerns but I’m happy to be able to for the most part start up police properly, I was reluctant to make an actual start due to lack of police vehicles/variety but this has really just made me want to get cracking with it. Should keep me and the community engaged for a good while, thanks to the staff for this one.
Okay so it isnt just me who hates that extension name but didnt wanna complain.
I appreciate it, if added the way we wrote it and sent it to the devs, this could have very well have been the best update in a while if not so far for the game. We just end up having to seem to be diplomatic negotiators between the two.
- 10 Vehicle spaces as standard.
- 20 Extra vehicle spaces at 20k for the first, 70k for the second, then odd increments of 100k or over after that.
- Maximum of 40 prison cells purchasable at 25k credits each.
- "Police & Public Safety Extension" available to purchase at 100k, unlocking the PSU update vehicles.
- 20 Employees to start with. No option to transfer staff to/from police stations. Hiring is still 1 per day.
Was supposed to be a total of 50 vehicles max. And expansion slots less than that.
The name of the extension is bugging me as if anything it should have just been Public order expansion. Police and public safety sounds American and doesn’t make sense as the term public safety for things like this isn’t used here.
Transfer must be a bug
Missions will require both trainings for the different roles at an incident. Level 2 is the highest, level one being lower and will be used for most low level disorder type missions. L1 will most likely end up being used more than 2 over time as and when more missions are added
That's brill, thanks very much for your help! (Still feel like this and the last Fire Update have been totally baller so fair play to you for being the run-down and shot-at negotiators!!
Okay so it isnt just me who hates that extension name but didnt wanna complain.
I'm sure we all raised an eyebrow at it, but names are the least worried-about issue I feel as they can be easily ignored for the most part
For me I wish the devs would knuckle down and listen to community feedback like how the dev account is very actvie on the german forums, why cant they do that here MissionChief-Team just liste to the players
Just wondering, what will the next step be after this? Continuing police or will it be fire? (This is in no way me being ungrateful, this is one of the best updates in a while and should keep me engaged for ages, just wondering what the next steps will be)
Just wondering, what will the next step be after this? Continuing police or will it be fire? (This is in no way me being ungrateful, this is one of the best updates in a while and should keep me engaged for ages, just wondering what the next steps will be)
Honestly, I'd say next steps might be likely to be simply polishing this update, bug fixing and minor releases etc to fill any gaps people come up with. I think Amb is pretty flushed out so presumeably back to fire, but I'd be happy to wait well over 6 months for the next update of this scale as it's simply gonna take that long to retrofit what I have (Which is a good thing as it's what keeps me engaged and playing).
- Official Post
I have always said I will be upfront and honest with the community and I definitely have been here as I told you what the missions were supposed to pay etc because I’m not going to BS the community and make up excuses when I told them this is what exactly was going to happen.
I enjoy making these updates, I’m a player of the game myself so I know what I’d like from an update. It’s just so frustrating that the devs won’t seem to acknowledge that if they added the content the way we say, players will be happy which will ramp up coin sales because people will get more involved in the game etc so it’s better for everyone. I’m not sure why it’s always such a fight to get it the way it should be.
I will try and get all the changes done and it as close to what was originally proposed as I can. The last thing I do or want to do is quit, I like to fight to the end, but this is starting to take its toll as it’s not fair on the community, not fair on my team, and not fair on me.
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