New Ideas for buildings and vehicles

  • Federal police station really need the same vehicle as regular police stations AKA SWAT, k9, and patrols, maybe even bomb, and water rescue.We should also be able to have just AFFR and Brush stations. Also there should be a tow service rather it be is own extension or it’s own department. Public transportation for evacuations or what ever else. Rehab beyond the air unit. Light unit for light on scene, or combined light and air unit. Detectives too. Military, coast guard stations, more AFFR units, more and different types of vehicles for regular police departments, more and different vehicles for fire departments as well such as traffic police. Then also would be nice to see ATF, Secret Services, Department of Homeland Security, boarder patrol and customs, DEA, US Marshals office, ICE, some new vehicles can be for FIRE: Medium (ambulance size) 2-4 people max doesn’t transport and Light Rescue (light rescue kind of like what’s in emergency 2 people max) then keep heavy rescue, fire police not a fire investigator they do different things. POLICE: Small local two man bomb squad, sheriffs department should be separate and not an extension unless you want to, police can also be an extension for sheriffs department, transport vehicle/ van if needed instead of a patrol. EMS: Medical Examiner, coroner or can be on its own but also has an extension. Those are just a few ideas and I will keep adding as I come up with more. Lastly auto dispatch, works only if your offline (or maybe just at night and not logged in) and only to finish calls that are not shared with the alliance that maybe don’t have a vehicle that is needs just to clear up and finish calls so when you log back in the next day or time all calls are cleared, this would help make things be smoother, a tad bit easier not to much, and would really help people like me who needs something like this (actually I really want and need something like everything mentioned above).

  • Auto dispatch will never be thing, it's against missionchief rules.

    For the other suggestions though, I don't think we will ever see a tow service or military etc, because that's kinda farfetched same for ATF, SS, DHS and the list goes on. What you can do though is just substitute units as the regular patrol car can basically be whatever you want, it can be military police, border patrol, anything

    Coast Guard stations practically already exist - You have the Rescue Boat Dock and Medical Helicopter Station

    I know I worded this poorly but I think it gets the point around

  • ATF already exits.

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  • EMS-Chief February 8, 2025 at 4:10 PM

    Closed the thread.

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