so ive a new question but now im gonna try to put all the things in ive never heard off so that i dont need to ask a new question when i encounter something ivent heard about
so ive an Assist 9 - whats an assist in terms of LACoFD?
i got also an OES no clue what that means..
and also an ESU...
there was also a light force 8 i know what it means i just dont know if its a truck or a quint
if i am that far that i need extra help with unit explanation ill come back but for now this is what i need to know to pick the best vehicle for the job so if anyone is willing to help me out i would appreciate that
units LACoFD
An assistant is an assistant chief, there is usually one in each battalion. In my setup I have them as battalion chiefs or MCV's.
OES is Office of Emergency Services which have units stationed all around California and help with incidents along with natural disasters.
ESU is a Emergency Support Unit which is a large medical support vehicle. In game I have this as an EMS support operations vehicle
Can be harder to tell, depends if it has a pump on it, can check videos and pictures. I usually go with a normal platform if it isn't a quint.
so ive a new question but now im gonna try to put all the things in ive never heard off so that i dont need to ask a new question when i encounter something ivent heard about
so ive an Assist 9 - whats an assist in terms of LACoFD?
i got also an OES no clue what that means..
and also an ESU...
there was also a light force 8 i know what it means i just dont know if its a truck or a quint
if i am that far that i need extra help with unit explanation ill come back but for now this is what i need to know to pick the best vehicle for the job so if anyone is willing to help me out i would appreciate thatmajority of LAC they use Quints over trucks. LFD uses trucks
The county LF’s have quints only one I can’t confirm is LF 170
I know they acquired a truck when they took over Vernon I'm not sure if it's still in play, at one point they had it as truck-13. but long story short Chief Osby really loves quints over traditional trucks. Chiefs Freeman and Osby liked the tillers best because of the tight turns they can make.
I know they acquired a truck when they took over Vernon I'm not sure if it's still in play, at one point they had it as truck-13. but long story short Chief Osby really loves quints over traditional trucks. Chiefs Freeman and Osby liked the tillers best because of the tight turns they can make.
Truck 13 is/was up at Station 82 as Truck 82.
so i have this thing again: i know that the LACoFD has EMS Rescue Squads idk if that still is the case but how do i manage this in missionchief?
there are a couple of options.... i could use a EMS rescue, a ALS engine and convert into a squad (hope that i can put rescue equipment in it) or i could pick a ALS Rescue Ambulance and exclude them from transporting patients? what does fit the best? -
so i have this thing again: i know that the LACoFD has EMS Rescue Squads idk if that still is the case but how do i manage this in missionchief?
there are a couple of options.... i could use a EMS rescue, a ALS engine and convert into a squad (hope that i can put rescue equipment in it) or i could pick a ALS Rescue Ambulance and exclude them from transporting patients? what does fit the best?I suggest using the EMS rescue, but all of my knowledge of LACoFD is from Emergency! so it may not be the best unit for modern-day LA
so i have this thing again: i know that the LACoFD has EMS Rescue Squads idk if that still is the case but how do i manage this in missionchief?
there are a couple of options.... i could use a EMS rescue, a ALS engine and convert into a squad (hope that i can put rescue equipment in it) or i could pick a ALS Rescue Ambulance and exclude them from transporting patients? what does fit the best?I use Fly cars as Squads in LAcoFD because EMS rescues act like a heavy rescue+EMS and I don't want them to be like heavy rescues. Squads generally don't have extrications tools except in Avalon (Catalina Island).
My setup in LAcoFD is :
- EMS Engines with at least 2 firefighter with ALS training if the station has a "paramedic engine" in real life
- EMS Engines with at least 1 firefighter with ALS training if the station has a "paramedic assessment unit" engine in real life
- Regular engine if the station has a regular BLS engine in real life
- Fly cars for ems squads
My EMS Engines never transport, I always use an ambulance.
If I could add technical rescue equipment in fly cars they would look more like LAcoFD Squads but the equipment market is totally messed up in my opinion.
I think truck 82 was recently the only truck that was not a Quint.
so i have this thing again: i know that the LACoFD has EMS Rescue Squads idk if that still is the case but how do i manage this in missionchief?
there are a couple of options.... i could use a EMS rescue, a ALS engine and convert into a squad (hope that i can put rescue equipment in it) or i could pick a ALS Rescue Ambulance and exclude them from transporting patients? what does fit the best?I omit LACoFD squads and just run ALS private ambulance units.
Truck 13 is/was up at Station 82 as Truck 82.
I was over in Inglewood last month and saw station 162 housed Truck 162, I didn't have time to stop and ask questions I was on my way to LAX
use a fly car with ems command persons or use a ems command vehicle with ems command personnel
so ive a new question but now im gonna try to put all the things in ive never heard off so that i dont need to ask a new question when i encounter something ivent heard about
so ive an Assist 9 - whats an assist in terms of LACoFD?
i got also an OES no clue what that means..
and also an ESU...
there was also a light force 8 i know what it means i just dont know if its a truck or a quint
if i am that far that i need extra help with unit explanation ill come back but for now this is what i need to know to pick the best vehicle for the job so if anyone is willing to help me out i would appreciate thateach division has an Asst. Chief whom oversees 2-3 Battalion Chief's
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