• so ive a new question but now im gonna try to put all the things in ive never heard off so that i dont need to ask a new question when i encounter something ivent heard about

    so ive an Assist 9 - whats an assist in terms of LACoFD?
    i got also an OES no clue what that means..
    and also an ESU...
    there was also a light force 8 i know what it means i just dont know if its a truck or a quint

    if i am that far that i need extra help with unit explanation ill come back but for now this is what i need to know to pick the best vehicle for the job so if anyone is willing to help me out i would appreciate that

  • An assistant is an assistant chief, there is usually one in each battalion. In my setup I have them as battalion chiefs or MCV's.

    OES is Office of Emergency Services which have units stationed all around California and help with incidents along with natural disasters.

    ESU is a Emergency Support Unit which is a large medical support vehicle. In game I have this as an EMS support operations vehicle

    Can be harder to tell, depends if it has a pump on it, can check videos and pictures. I usually go with a normal platform if it isn't a quint.

  • majority of LAC they use Quints over trucks. LFD uses trucks

  • so i have this thing again: i know that the LACoFD has EMS Rescue Squads idk if that still is the case but how do i manage this in missionchief?
    there are a couple of options.... i could use a EMS rescue, a ALS engine and convert into a squad (hope that i can put rescue equipment in it) or i could pick a ALS Rescue Ambulance and exclude them from transporting patients? what does fit the best?

  • so i have this thing again: i know that the LACoFD has EMS Rescue Squads idk if that still is the case but how do i manage this in missionchief?
    there are a couple of options.... i could use a EMS rescue, a ALS engine and convert into a squad (hope that i can put rescue equipment in it) or i could pick a ALS Rescue Ambulance and exclude them from transporting patients? what does fit the best?

    I suggest using the EMS rescue, but all of my knowledge of LACoFD is from Emergency! so it may not be the best unit for modern-day LA

    Co-Owner of Ohio Emergency Services. NobleCountyDispatch

  • so i have this thing again: i know that the LACoFD has EMS Rescue Squads idk if that still is the case but how do i manage this in missionchief?
    there are a couple of options.... i could use a EMS rescue, a ALS engine and convert into a squad (hope that i can put rescue equipment in it) or i could pick a ALS Rescue Ambulance and exclude them from transporting patients? what does fit the best?

    I use Fly cars as Squads in LAcoFD because EMS rescues act like a heavy rescue+EMS and I don't want them to be like heavy rescues. Squads generally don't have extrications tools except in Avalon (Catalina Island).

    My setup in LAcoFD is :

    - EMS Engines with at least 2 firefighter with ALS training if the station has a "paramedic engine" in real life

    - EMS Engines with at least 1 firefighter with ALS training if the station has a "paramedic assessment unit" engine in real life

    - Regular engine if the station has a regular BLS engine in real life

    - Fly cars for ems squads

    My EMS Engines never transport, I always use an ambulance.

    If I could add technical rescue equipment in fly cars they would look more like LAcoFD Squads but the equipment market is totally messed up in my opinion.

    I think truck 82 was recently the only truck that was not a Quint.

  • so i have this thing again: i know that the LACoFD has EMS Rescue Squads idk if that still is the case but how do i manage this in missionchief?
    there are a couple of options.... i could use a EMS rescue, a ALS engine and convert into a squad (hope that i can put rescue equipment in it) or i could pick a ALS Rescue Ambulance and exclude them from transporting patients? what does fit the best?

    I omit LACoFD squads and just run ALS private ambulance units.

  • each division has an Asst. Chief whom oversees 2-3 Battalion Chief's

    Owner and admin of So-Cal Alliance

    Retired FF/EMT LACounty Fire.

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