Currently, on the EPIRB mission "EPIRB Activation (Offshore) the patients dont transport/treat. Upon unit arrival you have to cancel the ILB/ALB with the patient with a replacement standing by, at which point the patient will be able to transport.
(All ILB/ALBs have Crit care, so the missing patient requirement is not caused by that)
1) no units canceled:
2: 1 Unit canceled, 1 patient being treated the other not. 1 can be transported
3: 2 units canceled, both patients now being treated.
4: If both patients are allowed to be treated, the missions bugs again and you have to cancel to enable transport
5: Upon cancelation and re-dispatch of units, the patient(s) can be transported
This constant juggling act of units, makes these missions are pain to deal with en-mass and has been a persistant issue since the missions introduction.