Important Announcement Regarding Today's Events/Forums Announcement

  • Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening & Night to all MissionChief Players seeing this Announcement.

    I don't normally post like this but I would like to extend my Prayers to those involved in Today's Events taken place.

    First before I get into that I'd like to state something. I don't want to hear anyone make any Negative Statements towards myself or anyone else regarding their Religious or Political Beliefs.

    That is not why I am posting this. Regardless of Religion or Politics, What happened Today was not called for and an attempt was made on a Presidential Candidate.

    Now, Please do not take this Announcement personally. I will explain why I am posting this soon. Regardless of feelings and beliefs, We all need to cherish every moment we can with our Families and Loved Ones.

    As a Gaming Community, There are times to put our differences aside and come together. We are all here to play a Game we've all come to know and love.

    We all might not get along with one another, But we all need to respect one another regardless of opinion.

    I haven't seen too many arguments on here in the Forums which I am pleased about.

    Now with that being said, If I catch wind on anyone making up Missions in Forums based on Today's Events not only I will inform your Alliance Admin about it but actions will also be taken based on the seriousness of what you say.

    Yes we are all entitled to our Opinions but in my book, Making Missions about Serious Events that affect people's lives in a negative way are not acceptable.

    And please no arguments about our Current Missions. As a rule we want no Suggestions about death. It may be in real life but this is a Game where teenagers play as well. We do not need that type of unwanted attention.

    Please respect this post and please no Political Debates in the Forums if it leads to Arguments.

    If you all agree to be civil then I will let it slide but any Discussions will be strictly monitored!

    Thank you,


  • JerseyBirds July 14, 2024 at 3:06 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Important Announcement Regarding Today's Events” to “Important Announcement Regarding Today's Events/Forums Announcement”.
  • Is there a forum setting where people with a certain level above beginner can have the posts automatically approved?


    I was thinking the same thing or have an icon label to access instant post as a trusted account, I'm sure the mods will later be overwhelmed checking every single post

    Owner and admin of So-Cal Alliance

    Retired FF/EMT LACounty Fire.

  • Unfortunately we have to take these measures for now until Spam Bots are no longer an issue.

    We don't like having you all wait to be approved but leaving it open will allow Spam Bots to flood the Forums.

    As for Auto Approve those above Beginner I'm not sure but I can ask.



  • Unfortunately no timeline as of right now

  • This proves my point, it took almost 4 days for the post to be approved... I know the mod team is doing the best it can, and am not in any way coming for the mod team. Just pointing out that this is killing the forums.

    The post was not approved 4 days later. I check multiple times a day as do other admins and mods.

    Thank you,

  • This proves my point, it took almost 4 days for the post to be approved... I know the mod team is doing the best it can, and am not in any way coming for the mod team. Just pointing out that this is killing the forums.

    I check multiple times a day as well

    As stated above the Forums are checked several times a day and one of us would approve your post right away



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