Posts by Glaeydar

    This is a building game. So either you wait or you can buy them with coins.

    Credits are a mass product and therefore not suitable for such comfort features, imho.

    Edit: But yes, five coins are a little too much. Two are enough.

    DE: Er will einfach die FW und RD-Wachen zusammenlegen, sodass du aus zwei Wachen eine machen kannst. Grund ist wohl, dass in manchen Gegenden die FW und RD-Wachen zusammengelegt werden wegen Kostensenkung.
    EN: He wants to merge ambulance and fire stations, so there is only one station not two. The reason seems like that in some areas stations are merged to reduce costs.

    Okay, you could use this script instead. It's actually the same script, just working in missionchief and leitstellenspiel.

    If this won't work, you could try reinstall tampermonkey and / or delete cache.

    In the german board Sebastian, the dev behind, explained why the error occures.
    Each unit has around 10ms to calculate:
    - assigning employees
    - best route

    If the calculation takes more than those 10ms it will be terminated and the vehicle will not be send.

    ATM the best solution is to assign your employees and send your units in a smaller packade. Instead sending 200 units, send 2x 100.