Yeah, it would have been nice to have maybe a week long period where you could train sheriffs but not receive calls for them yet. I was lucky that I have my own academies and a few coins to spare but I know not everyone has that available to them.
Posts by b17pineapple
Lol yep, it is going for a bit of a swim.
Yeah, that is what I figured. Thank you very much for your reply.
I was wondering if there is any way to stop a vehicle from transferring between stations. One of the members of my alliance accidentally began sending a unit from a station in Germany to a station in Kansas. While I do not think there is any way to stop this, I figured I would ask just to make sure.
Thank you everyone for the advice. He was able to solve the problem by re-downloading the app on his phone, which I did not know he was using mobile until he said he fixed it. If I would had know he was on mobile, I wouldn't had needed to put the question here. Regardless, thank you for the reply. It is good to know that this community is as helpful as it is.
Ok, when he gets back I will have to recommend that. Thank you for your help.
I tend to do daily large scale alliance missions and will title them something silly like "Everyone stubbed their toe" or "Riot over toilet paper". On a more realistic note, if there is something like a large fire or protest in my city IRL, then I will base the alliance missions off of that.
Yeah, this problem just started today for him. And no, he does not run any scripts.
Yeah, he has all of his vehicles staffed and has been playing for quite a bit with no issues. It also sounds like they are not even appearing on the dispatch screen, which is what made me originally think that he might of had his response distance too low. Hopefully it is just a temporary issue and he is able to play again soon.
Hellos, I am writing this on behalf of one of the members of my alliance who is experiencing problems with his game. He has been having an issue where even though his vehicles are at status 2, he is unable to dispatch them to his calls. According to him, his max distance for dispatching vehicles is set to 400 km and by clicking on his stations, I can see that all of his vehicles should be available. I was just wondering if anyone knows a fix to this issue? Thank you.
I would have to imagine that they are here to stay. I live in Nevada so the earthquakes are appropriate for me but I can definitely understand that it is a bit unrealistic for most of the world. Kind of like if I were to get a blizzard call in Vegas.
Also, in case anyone wants to know, here are the new average rewards.
Small Earthquake: 500
Medium Earthquake: 1200
Large Earthquake: 2100
Major Earthquake: 3200 -
Hello again everyone. I just wanted to say that this problem has been resolved as the rewards for the completion of all of the earthquake mission have been increased. Thank you to everyone who voiced their concerns to the developers. Also, thank you TARCfan for helping out by explaining the situation and letting people know how to contact the devs.
Yeah, I am at the Battalion Chief rank as well and though it was a bit of an extreme jump. I think it is to show off players who are extremely dedicated to this game or something. Looks like there is a couple people getting close to that rank.
So apparently it was intentional due to the large amount of casualties the missions spawn. I believe it’s too low but I’m not sure what else I can do. My advice would be to contact the devs via the support channels on the app and show them that people are not happy with it.
Yeah, I'll have to do that. Thank you very much for the help.
Wow I didn’t realise it was that low. That has to be a bug, I’ll report it up
Thank you very much. I figured that it was just something that the developers missed as well.
First off, I would like to say that the new earthquake missions are a nice edition to the game. Being from a fairly seismically active area, it feels quite appropriate for my city. With that said, I do feel that the credits that you earn for the missions are a bit low. The low and medium level earthquakes pay out what I feel is an fair amount, but the large and major severity earthquakes only pay out 650 and 700 credits despite requiring a large amount of units. In my opinion, these should pay out more credits due to their higher strain on resources. Regardless, they are still fun missions and I look forward to seeing the next developments for this game. Thanks.
I have also had issues with my tabs resetting. I have a premium account and run primarily in window mode and if I am not playing for a few hours, all of the tabs revert to their original base positions. Certainly not the end of the world but a little annoying. They just had an update that included minor format changes so I am guessing this had something to do with that. Now, as far as the POI issue, I think your problem is that you are clicking on the "Set a new POI" tab, which no longer shows your old POIs anymore. What you need to do is click on the layers tab and from their you can set it up for showing the POIs. For me, it is a box with 3 squares layered on top of each other in the top right corner of my screen.
I had a similar issue with my alliance prisons. I had a prison based in the UK that for some reason, people could not transfer to. It was an issue for a minute and then they were all of a sudden able to transport to it again. I don't know if it is just a weird glitch or what the problem is but I guess it is something to be on the lookout for.
This is most likely due to the server lag from the amount of players online at the same time. This is because to the 2x credits event. Hopefully after the 2x credits event is over, the server will return to normal.