Hey, this isn't really an improvement that needs to be made but rather a suggestion for new calls. You have any ideas? Post them!
(the first couple aren't really call ideas)
1. A chance that a team member may be hurt.
- I can see where people wouldn't like this but this is just a way I would like to play
- Like basically on a Mission A team member could be hurt and can't preform duties, or becomes slower
- Then an Ambulance or Supervisor needs to come and help the injured member
- Then the team member would be out for a couple hours or so
2. Patrol Routes
- I've set up patrol routes for all of my police vehicles and ambulances but I haven't found a solid functional use
- I was thinking that PD when patrolling can spot traffic violations and earn money from ticketing
- EX. A Police Vehicle is patrolling and spots a traffic violation, preforms traffic stop and is held back for 3 minutes and at the end you earn 200 credits
- Also when ambulances are patrolling they can spot road accidents and respond and could need to call for backup
- (also i think Battalion Chiefs should be able to patrol too)
3. An improvement to vehicle pursuits
- What if the vehicle pursuits drove around a station or a dispatch coverage area
- What if a patrolling officer tried to stop a car and they started to run?
- What if other units had to catch up to help stop the pursuit?
- What if there was a chance you could lose them?
4. Members
- EX. A PD call appears you send one PD with one member to address the issue what if they could resolve the call but MUCH MUCH Slower?
- What if they could get injured
As I'm writing this I didn't have much ideas for new missions so anybody reading this should reply and leave suggestions!
Agree? Disagree? Lets Talk Too!