Posts by A_Random_Canadian

    Just like all other games out there big and small, micro transactions are a big part of keeping everything running and advancing. If we made everything to where we don't have to pay or not use coins then the devs lose almost all income into the game. There are some things you just have to suck up and deal with if you want the game to continue and advance.

    With the alliance I am in we have a mass of people based in the Philly/Camden area and I have lost count with how many hospitals are over there. We have most of them maxed out with thirty beds. A few of them get filled up constantly but the thing is successful for us with hospitals is we have a solid network of them. Instead of just sending all of your patients to just your hospital try spreading em out. Take the opportunity to send a few out to some farther hospitals that don't get patients very often. It's a lot like actual prehospital set ups. As a mass-casualty transport officer I had to determine which hospitals would get which patients. A big thing was I couldn't over load one hospital with all the patients due to the fact that they still had to operate with their own patients. Another thing is if you have 50+ fire and EMS stations I'm sure you can afford to purchase another hospital or two.

    If there weren't the high cost price and the build time then there would be no point in having the EMS stations in the game. Lets say you have the EMS bay at like 50k and you keep the EMS stations at 200k you could effectively have a Fire station with two fire bays and an EMS bay for roughly close to the cost of an EMS station (I know it's a couple thousand over but what ever). Everything is balanced at a point where it keeps everything competitive. If you want to have EMS units in you fire stations you have to be ready to wait a week and pay the 100k instead of waiting just another couple hours to earn the 200k. It all comes down to planing and your play style. I feel the pain on the cost and wait time as I have a 50+ station county emergency system that I am trying to recreate and there are Ambulances in every station but that's a price I'm willing to pay to recreate the county. I honestly would like to see the time cut down to maybe five days but if it comes down to adjusting this or getting new content in the game, give me that new content.