From the German Forum
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From the German Forum
Already on; something went wrong in the transmission; should be up right away.
Name: Station Van/Cell Van
Service: Police
Purpose: Transport of prisoners to the station an Transport of Police Officers
Coast: 10.000
How Many personnel required: 2-4
Training: N/A
building expansion: N/A
Number of Prisoner: 2
unfortunately I don't see a pinned topic
Hello you,
i would have to make a suggestion.
the ACU (Ambulace Command Unit).
This unit is responsible for coordinating the ambulances and rapit responder in the event of major damage, and this unit is also used by hazard area response teams.
The training would be an ambulance operations manager
that would cost a total of 50,000 credits
the vehicle is required from 10 rescue teams and unlocks large rescue operations.
What do you think ?
Picture of a ACU:
Vehicles of this type are used to maintain public safety at demonstrations, events and soccer games. They are also used to transport personnel and equipment to locations with increased police belong toThe support unit 'Territorial Support Group' is also stationed at the regular police stations across the country.
They are commonly used for the transportation of prisoners within a
specially adapted cell in the rear of the vehicle or for the fast
Transporting many officers to an incident.
What operations can you use now?
They drive demonstrations, events and soccer games.
But could also be used for larger groups of rioters.
How much should this vehicle cost?
15,000 credits
because of the higher number of employees who hold this vehicle.
How much staff is in such a vehicle?
10 people
You can transport up to 2 prisoners
What do you think ?
Hello everyone, I have a question.
On the police cars in the London area, three letters HCV are more often found at the rear and so on.
dose anyone know what the meaning is for this
The line rescue Unit
The Line Rescue Unit is an emergency vehicle , which was mostly acquired at fire stations for the transport of equipment for rescue from heights and depths .
For smaller fire departments can hardly find it , on the one hand only a small number of operations falls within this range and, secondly, staff training is too expensive .
The vehicle is usually equipped with a Scale or group cabin and often indented with a water tank ladder and a ladder made up .
In addition to rescue and recovery of ups and downs devices for securing roofs etc. carried.
The vehicle comes from a country procurement of a total of 80 vehicles were delivered in January and February 2004 and were ready for 30 April 2004 .
The vehicles were procured by the Department for Communities and Local Government ( DCLG ) and put the fire brigades in England and Wales to enable this in the case of contamination of people by chemical ,biological, radiological or nuclear substances , whether as a result of an accident or a terrorist act , to carry out a mass decontamination quickly and with a uniform standard.
#With the equipment of the vehicle, it is possible to decontaminate 200 ambulatory persons or 100 persons per hour lying.
These are three heated tents (undressing, showering and Vest) are available which together build a length of 14 m have.
In middle-tent, the shower tent, in working order, a shower is installed, the two rows of five showers, separated by curtains, has.
This can be decontaminated at a time up to ten people.
The water for the showers is heated by a water heater and fed at a temperature of 35 degrees Celsius.
The dirty water is pumped with a submersible pump and collected in two folding containers a 6,000 liter capacity.
The three-minute decontamination cycle consists of a two-minute wash cycle and a rinse cycle with one minute duration.
After decontaminate the people get a clothing package, consisting of towels, filter mask, disposable underwear, disposable suit, socks and shoes and personal hygiene items.
Lying patient can be transported gently on a special roll-track system through the shower tent.
For the decontamination of emergency services is an inflatable fast-shower with floor pan, 6 spray heads and wash brush available.
In addition, on each vehicle 48 CSA, carried Disposable coveralls, respirators and various measuring instruments.
Returns to the vehicle 50.00 creditsrequired it is from 15 fire stations .
Appearances asTruck accident or chlorine gas leaks .
Now drann since herwhat do you think ?