Posts by Mark_

    Hi all,

    Just a little quality of life suggestion for us lower resolution users (I'm 1366*768).

    [Blocked Image:]

    As you can see in the above image, the ARRs on the left are pretty cramped and are left overlapping, and rendering the remaining columns (4-6), pretty useless. In order to fix this, I suggest having an option to move, or even remove, the available units section. So it would look something like this:

    [Blocked Image:]

    As you can see, the unit section has been moved down, and the arrow represents that space now free used for the ARRs to expand onto.

    Hopefully this isn't too much to ask for, but would be an absolute huge help to use lower res users!


    I may be wrong, but I'm pretty certain any possible patients show up once the first unit arrives on scene? I don't think I have ever experienced patients showing up just before the call is completed... :D

    Some calls have it right near the end, such as the 'Car in lake' call etc

    My personal guess goes for brush units. Logically it would make sense to have to build a 'brush expansion' before gaining access to the brush unit, plus, its also been mentioned in the past that a brush update was being worked on.

    The main point of the game, is simply to a building game - so giving someone new 500k credits = 10 small fire stations (un-expanded), completely defeats the purpose of the game, you're supposed to sometimes have those early, annoying grinds. Its not supposed to be easy, the game has to be challenging to keep people engaged and actually aiming for something.

    Once you start the game, its purposefully structured to be easy, and with more stations, more income, but more challenging.

    What may be a better and less radical suggestion, is simply a tutorial which introduces how to manage finances, when to upgrade, and when to branch off to different services.

    The main issue I would say, is these units I believe are extremely rare, more so in the UK. Of course if it were implemented as an optional unit, that would be fine.

    why dont we they add for example ab FBi unit to investigate calls and they be sent to investigate cases which end up to arrests

    The main issue with having specifically the FBI would be that it would only suit those that play in America. Whereas having a generalised investigation unit mentioned by TACRfan) would suit pretty much the global playerbase.

    One should be able to afford this, but if you are a small (new) player you can't.

    To the best of my knowledge, a new building called a 'clinic' is planned to be implemented at some point, effectively a cheaper version of a hospital. This will make it easier for newer players to get into the medical side of MC. There are some details on it here by TACRfan - Thoughts on clinics

    Due to how the calls are randomly generated, on some days you have an extreme amount of medical calls, on others not so much. This can't be controlled as calls are based on stations, not how many units you have. However here are some solutions:

    1. Join an alliance.

    This will give you access to fellow users hospitals (if shared), and if they are nearby, provide a place for your ambulances to divert to if yours become full. Plus it will allow alliance members to assist you if you become overwhelmed from calls.

    2. Expand hospital levels

    Expand your hospitals to whatever you can afford, this helps greatly for the short and long term.

    3. Duplicate the hospital and go for a 'wing' strategy

    [Blocked Image:]

    As shown above, this (although costly) provides me with effectively three 'hospitals'. This is extremely useful if you only have one local major hospital for example.

    4. Ignore the calls and wait

    Instead of dealing with the medical calls while your hospital is full, do your fire or police calls in the meantime. It will limit your credit income, but allow your hospital to rinse out its current patients.

    Hope this helps.


    We don't need a massive change, just in the future ideas from the UK, Europe, and the rest of the world need to be considered.

    Agreed, I miss-worded it slightly. Just if it becomes clear that if theres a strong playerbase in the UK / Europe, that maybe our ideas get considered more alongside American views etc

    This suggestion is more directed at MC staff / Sebastian, but feel free to add your opinion / view.

    I'm sure many people, if not most of the active community, are aware of the heated discussions regarding where the player base mainly is. This information is very much vital for how the game can be developed in the future, and tweaked to provide a better experience. At the moment in time, it seems this topic is reaching a peak, and should be 'sorted' to the best extent possible.

    What I personally propose is that Sebastian (if possible) checks, and records, where in the world the web traffic is coming from on Mission Chief. It could then be recorded, ie. top 5 countries with the most amount of traffic, and how many visitors coming from that country. This could provide a vital turning point in how future updates are based, but also close (or reinforce) arguments such as 'the game is based of the US as that's where most users come from'.

    If that method isn't possible, when the game is loaded for one time only, a pop up poll appears, which makes users enter which country they are from (and is hence recorded in a similar fashion).


    {EDIT- I miss-worded this slightly. If it becomes clear that if there's a strong player base in the UK / Europe, that maybe our ideas get considered more alongside American views etc}

    Although they won't serve any 'real' purpose, you can always create these stations at graphics to go alongside them, and dispatch them to situations you feel would need them. Thats only if you want to play with realism, as they wouldn't actually have any special purpose in game.

    Unfortunately with how the game mechanics work (using the maps) the speed is hard-coded and cannot be altered. The units (icons) will travel at the speed set on the map for the given road.