Hi all,
Just a little quality of life suggestion for us lower resolution users (I'm 1366*768).
[Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/QkQC6cN.png]
As you can see in the above image, the ARRs on the left are pretty cramped and are left overlapping, and rendering the remaining columns (4-6), pretty useless. In order to fix this, I suggest having an option to move, or even remove, the available units section. So it would look something like this:
[Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/2y5ks85.png]
As you can see, the unit section has been moved down, and the arrow represents that space now free used for the ARRs to expand onto.
Hopefully this isn't too much to ask for, but would be an absolute huge help to use lower res users!