Posts by PS113

    Yeah, but I think in the game patrollers of UK are armed and non armed, based on what the player decides on them while SWAT is assault squad so TSG or more likely CO19, that's the reason why SWAT/CO19 can't be deployed in a traffic accident

    Hi, in dos of the countries in the world there are offices of fire investigations (in US I think they're called OFI, in Italy NIA and so on) and it would be really nice to have some battalion chief/fire officials able to respond to arson investigation during or after a building on fire (I don't know if you can make a call turn into another when it ends, let me know), but anyway it's usually a really important service for suspicious and also forest fires. What do you think about it?

    also dog vans & swat teams need to be a normal patrol car too

    Well I don't think that 6 men in tactical vest with M4s MP5s and ARs could respond to a "parked car accident", and also a dog couldn't do much in that situation

    Well, it might sound surprising but here in Italy fire dept can respond to a beehive call, because firefighters are trained for dealing with multiple types of hazardous animals (snakes, dogs, bees...) and an engine (and a ladder, if it's needed) responds code 2

    why do the fire brigade need to go to a beehive found?
    homocide investigation and bridge collapse seem like good ideas

    Hi everyone, I've got some suggestions about calls in the game:
    -escort assault, a diplomat's or a minister's convoy is attacked by an armed commando, patrol cars, SWAT and ambulances requested;
    -bridge collapse, multiple Heavy Rescues, ambulances, firetrucks and a diver unit requested;
    -Homicide investigation with CSI;
    -avalanche, K9 units, ambulances and rescue units requested;
    -person infected by lethal virus, HAZMAT and ambulance requested for quarantine;
    -beehive found, one firetruck requested.

    So, what do you think??

    This seems like a rather complicated addition, and like aether said, probably won't be any time soon. In the meantime, you could just name a regular police helicopter "SWAT Helicopter" and send the people at that station to SWAT training, then dispatch it to whatever calls you'd like.

    Yes but police helicopter can carry only the pilot and SWAT related missions can't be complete without an entire SWAT unit. That's the reason of the post

    Hi, in all missions that require SWAT (bank robbery, drug warrants) you need to call a SWAT unit that will be deployed in a lot of time, because it's a normal truck/SUV. In the reality, often SWAT is sent on scene by helicopter, so that they can rappel near the target or the building and respond quickly. It would be really nice to have SWAT inside helicopters that could replace ground units, like in many countries in the world.

    I have one question to the admins: would be possible to modify the audio track for each event, so that instead the phone ring we can hear a radio dispatch call? Obviously every country would have to personalize the tracks in his language, but I think this could be make the game even more realistic

    Actually I think that in a lot of counties this system is not used, for example in Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, that may have water tanker but not command posts or hazmat units like in the US or Germany, and use specialized vehicle for every situation. But this could theorically be applied to the army's truck (that usually have those types of vehicle, for example for the Sappers) all over the world. Anyway good idea :D

    Hi everyone, I think it would be nice to be able to move the firefighters in the fire houses, so that if someone is trained for Airport Rescuing or Hazmat, he can be moved to a station that has a crash tender or a hazmat unit, and the same thing could be useful for the police. What do you think about this?

    Hi, I have one sugggestion to the admin of the project. The Police Department all over the world have transport vans (USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Australia...) that can be used for riot control or for transporting prisoners like paddy-wagons and they can carry from 4 up to 9 police officers on scene. Those could be also useful in large scale events like earthquakes, floods, massive riots, surveillance during football matches or concerts. Do you think you could add them to the game and that they could help?

    Hi, in my alliance everybody says that there should be some calls in the sea (like oil rig on fire, boat rescue, drowning swimmer...) with coast guard's or fire department's helicopters for rescuing. Do you think you could add those? And is there anyone else that would agree with us?

    Hi everyone, I begun this game since few time but I noticed that when I build a fire station or a police station and at the rank of firefighter, when I have three vehicle only one can respond to calls or when I have four only two can respond. Do you know why???