Ill Definitely Keep It In Mind
Posts by Aqua
The Child abuse missions of any type should not be allowed. Making a game out of endangering children is wrong
Would The Standoffs Be Fine?
I guess but there's nothing wrong with asking/suggesting
Probably too much to add on one day to, but just ideas
Yeah There Could Be A Possibility They Do Add Them
Mission name: reports/calls of child neglect/abuse
Creds: 1,000 - 3,000
No extension needed
Time to complete: 5+ Minutes (More prisoners/patients should increase the mission time ideally)
Required units: between 2 - 5 officers
Patient range: 0
Prisoners: 0
Expand/follow up type 1:
Name: Child neglect/abuse
Credits: 5,000
No extensions
Units: between 3 - 5 officers
Patient range: 0 - 4
Prisoner range: 0 - 3
Patient category: Gen internal
Transport probability: 20%
Type 2 follow up:
Serious child abuse/neglect
Credits: 7,500
Officers needed: between 3 & 5
Patient range: 1 - 3
Patient category: Traumatology (code C, D, E on scene)
Transport probability: 100%
Prisoners: between 1 & 3
Either Type 1 or type 2 may expand to:
Standoff with cops
Pay: 15,000
Prisoners: between 1 & 3
Patients: between 0 - 20
Units: 10 officers, 10 SWAT, 1 chopper 1 MCV, 5 Traffic blockers/controllers
Required Extension: none
patient category: Cardiology or Neurology
Transport probability: 100% - Code E on scene
May then extend to:
Bomb threats issued during stand off
Pay: 20,000
Required Units: same as stand-off but with 3 FBI Bomb technicians, 2 drones
everything else same as the stand-off mission
I hope this isn't inappropriate, if so sorry
I feel like those would be good, but they are probably not appropriate on the mission chief side. The Standoffs Would Be Good Calls
Not something content related, will be due to visual maps using outdated routes as they are not updated at the same time. Has been raised in bug reports & on forum previously, and is not specific to UK version of the game.
Please use the edit option to add to your post instead of double-posting, as per forum rules.
Sorry About That
I'm Not Sure If It's a Bug But I've Noticed On The UK End The Vehicles Don't Follow The Road Paths
Well it also happens with other calls so itd be nice if that bug was fixed for everything
Well There Are Variations Of The Call That Require More Units To Get A Better Credit Range.
Mission Name: Car Dealership Fire
Amount of Credits: 3500-5000
Expansion required (if applicable):
Time to complete: (in minutes) 3
POI: (If needed)
Required Units:6 Fire Trucks, 1 Battalion Chief, 2 Platforms, 1 Heavy Rescue, 4 Police Cars
Max Patients: 9
Minimum Patients:4
Patient Category: (General Internal- Cardiac Surgery) General Internal
Transport Probably: 85
Prisoners: (Max-Min, If applicable)
Upgradable Missions (if applicable):
When Will The Results Be Released?
Gav539 Could I Share One ARFF I Made On This Thread?
Yeah, I Hated That
It might Be Something On Your End I Haven't Had Any Problems Yet, But Hopefully, It's Just A Little Slow Spot
I Need The Double Credits Im Trying To Expand More But It They Start in The Morning I Will Be So Happy
Yeah, I've Been Wondering If They Will Start Later
Mine Just Crashed, Possibly Cause I'm On A Different Network, But I am not Entirely Sure
That's what do now but it would be better to cover individual houses just an idea
That Does Seem Like A Good Idea
I wanted to know if it's possible to relocate units to other stations that are out on missions to cover the area until mission is over
I Understand What You Mean But If You Build A Staging Area (Which is Free) You Could Set A Time For however long you'd Like