Posts by PortuguesDC

    One of my methods to fix lag is if your alliance has a high number of alliance missions or storm missions shared. Go over to the missions tab where those four green bars are. Click on the middle two so that their icons turn red. That will remove all shared missions from your map and missions screen. See if that works.

    Again, it has nothing to do with that, also I knew that method to remove lag but it is still good to share for the the people who don't know
    The issue here in my opinion is server load, I used to be in an alliance with many people from the US and the time where most people got online is roughly the same time this "server load" happens and makes the game slow
    Because I had lunch and came to play a little and the game is fine right now, but probably by the time I come back from school this issue will be happening
    Also, I've done some testing and I'm very positive graphic packs don't play a role on this, I've had this window issue with no units on the map (none , 0 , null)

    here is a screen capture of the problem i am having

    Same here, I think we should paint that white window with something cool
    It can take either 5 seconds to open like it is right now, or it can take 1 minute (like it will take probably take later today)

    My guess is that this has something to do with server load since in my morning (+5 hours than US if I recall) the game is smooth, later on the same day it can indeed take 2 minutes (wouldn't be the first time)
    Even when it "just takes" 20 seconds to open that window over, let's say 20 missions, it takes a while and can be quite frustrating

    Around here trailers are usually pulled by the battalion chief (Like Generators, etc) [Blocked Image:]

    The boat trailers are usually pulled by a VAME (Divers Team) [Blocked Image:] or a VOPE (specific ops vehicle which may contain utility for the diving team) [Blocked Image:] they can also be (like most trailers) pulled by the VCOT (Battalion chief) [Blocked Image:]

    I would like to see investigators added. See some more sophisticated police calls, and they often are part of warrants as well. Boats are being added, they figured out how to make it work whether by their own minds or from suggestions made by members.

    Boats were already added in the german version, it's not their first time making such thing

    So I was wondering if I would ask it around here, I did some "research" around the German version and I found out that some graphic packs have just the boat trailer and others have the towing unit + the trailer
    I would like to know if anyone that plays the german version could explain to me how the towing looks in the game
    Will it dispaly the towing vehicle + the trailer or just the trailer

    Thanks in advance!

    Another way to look at it is that you get paid more for legit fires. I get that it's not realistic but I'd rather run more legit fires and get paid a lot than have predominately false alarms at less than 1000 credits each

    That is something I had wrote but deleted after as some people don't mind taking time to build their "Project"

    Im not sure about the rest of the country, but in my county, about 60%- 70% of all our fire alarms are just false alarms and are never fires. But in game it seems like 90% of all fire Alarms are actual fires.

    Well like it's been said millions of times and not only at this game but also in many others
    A game is that, just a game
    No matter how hard you tried you can't simulate everything just like in IRL and this game is no exception, if 70% of the calls were false alarms then we would not get that many credits to expand in the game
    You see my point?
    I could do the same you did, I could say that in my country (YES MY COUNTRY) we don't even get 2 shootings per month but in my game I do get a lot more than 2 per hour
    What would you say to that?
    I mean, many people have complained about this and I just don't think is something that will be changed as it doesn't make sense for the game

    I used to be able to record my desktop with Fraps, for some reason I'm not aware of it just stopped working on the desktop
    Ill see if I can get something else

    The parking bay is a interesting idea, but it would have to be quite limited.

    As for vehicles to tow the boat, I understand where you are coming from but at the moment the utility is no different from the heavy rescue, this would make the unit have more of a role. Please don’t think I am trying to shutdown ideas though.

    We also have to remember that this is a game and although we try to make it as realistic as possible it still has to perform as a game, in real life emergency services would do/spend anything to make the work they carry out as easy as possible but that wouldn’t make a very good game. It is quite difficult to balance realism and game.

    I totally agree with you, I've also seen people who didn't own a single Utility Unit over 20 stations
    I was going to say the battalion chief should also be able to tow the boat but it ruins the idea of the utility unit being used for something else

    Also let me say that the first thing that came to my mind with the boats is "the next new unit" which should be the Diving Team

    Japan has very specialized vehicles so that they don't run them ragged like most departments in the US do. They stay rigid with their vehicles capabilities so that means they have more rigs with less mileage on them than their US counterparts where we try to make a regular engine multi-role.

    I had wrote lots of pointless things in this answer so let me resume
    Portugal is like Europe but also like Japan
    In Europe we are even more multi-role than you guys in the US (note: our trucks are smaller than yours, let's say compact, sounds better) but here in Portugal we are also like Japan as we have vehicles who are for specific situations
    It has been talked before on the forum about adding trucks with pods, here in Portugal (like Spain and even france) we don't use pods that often (it is becoming more common but not enough) and for that we have trucks with only hazmat, some fire departments have cars (literally cars) as Rescue Vehicles or specific ops vehicles (could be anything really since they are specific) but that mainly happens in some fire stations that don't get that many calls for car crashes, some fire departments are mainly active in summer for forest fires and at that time of the year they are almost always with trucks outside of the station

    My best idea is for you to find someone (or a group) of people who play a game or like emergency vehicles and live in Japan to try to seek for info
    Even if you found info about tokyo departments you would still need translation in some cases (my guess) so trying to find someone from that area might be a good idea, I'm not sure if that many people would be interested in doing that for you to build stations in a game, but that's an idea at the least :thumbsup:

    I'm building fire departments in real locations with my second account and will soon begin the police stations too
    The vehicles won't be the same as real since there are not that many HAZMAT vehicles or Air Units for example, also Portugal is the 5th most pacific country in the world so not that many police stations have SWAT units (we have Anti-Riot)
    But I'm guessing that for someone in the US it will be hard to see the difference between vehicles in Japan :/

    @PortuguesDC that is what I have done with every fire department I have made in the USA. The main problem I am having with tokyo is that I can't identify different apparatus in pictures, at least not yet.

    Oh well I see what you mean now
    Their trucks look the same to you, I guess with time you will be able to distinguish them

    Wikipedia is nice and all but I am looking for specific information like location of stations and apparatus assaignments. Also trying to see if there is a rescue engine like vehicle Tokyo uses.

    I don't know about Tokyo but I can give you a few tips from my experience at Portugal (all fire stations at real locations)
    First station (actually the first two) I already knew their location (I've only seen/been to one of them) so this is a solid start point
    After that I would examine the map closely to see if I could find "markers" (Fire Markers - Fire station location) if I couldn't find any I would google "Bombeiros ______" (fire department xxxxx) to see if they had a station there, if they had I would then use Google Maps to see the location and only then create the station in game

    Hope it helps you out :thumbup:

    Edit: About the vehicles in each station you can probably google the fire station and find photos or information about their vehicles

    Again, there might be conflict between the owner of the units and the T. Admin interests
    This is one of those ideas that is good but at the same time bad, I had thought about that before too just like most of us probably did, my guess is if nobody came up with this idea before is because of the exact same reasons I said
    Because the way the game is no matter how hard you try there is always some way you can use this "method" to your benefit, even that money going to alliance funds :/