Posts by River Brazwell

    This might draw a lot of fire, but I don’t use alarm and response regulations. I find them clunky and difficult to use, hard to find the right call, and just overall not fun at all. I quickly open up the mission requirements and just dispatch the units that are needed. It might seem like that takes a long time, but for me it only takes about 10 seconds or so to select all the vehicles I need. ;)

    But mission chief is a dispatch simulation of sorts and the job of a dispatcher is to coordinate with emergency personnel and to send units to the scenes of emergencies. AND as I mentioned before they can call towing companies and say places like the department of transportation to fix damaged roadways, power lines, bridges. Etc.

    The game is a first responder or emergency response, emergency management game. Typical tow trucks are not part of any of that response and are normally requested by Police and come into play "after" the incident is managed or stabilized. They are not first responders or any type of emergency. Yes.....a small amount of Fire Departments in the US do have some sort of HEAVY Wrecker as part of their special operations division, but they are rare and only respond where there is a need for that type of special unit. They do not tow vehicles away or take them to storage facilities. I just see no place for the towing vehicles in this game..

    No no I definitely agree with you but all I’m saying is that i can see why they put it in there. Tow trucks are definitely not emergency vehicles but are included in the group of utilities called in the aftermath of a first response, including/along with the DOT.

    I only tried this new expansion out on a few of my stations and i saw some change, but it doesen’t really make a difference in gameplay honestly. My calls switched from stuff like animal rescue from drain to calls such as field fires and brush fires. In my opinion it’s a waste of money and should never have even been added to the game as a specialization. If your playing on then UK version or Australian version I couldn’t really tell you much more than that… This is all just from my experience and could definitely vary from player to player.

    New Mission Monday suggestion: CAR HANGING FROM HIGHWAY OVERPASS

    idk why this idea came to me. It just did and it seemed like a pretty good idea in my mind, so… why not suggest it?

    Credit range: 2,000 - 4,000 creds

    Vehicles: 4 fire engines, 2 ladder trucks, 2 heavy rescue vehicles, 1 Battalion chief vehicles, 1-3 ambulances, and 2 police cars?? This seems pretty reasonable to me…

    Patients: 1-3

    That’s all I have. Feel free to make some modifications if you wish.

    I also agree that the tow truck lot is a bit excessive and unnecessary, but I do see why they put it in the game. If there was a car crash IRL then the firefighters or whatever would have to call a wrecker or a tow truck to pick the vehicle up. So it makes sense, but 300,000 credits? That’s way too much. If they were like 150,000 that would be a bit more reasonable…

    American Realism is a brand new mission chief alliance founded in early December of 2024. If your looking for the most realistic style of gameplay possible, then you’ve come to the right place! We are solely based around the principles of realism and the modeling of real life fire, EMS, and police departments. IRL callsigns and locations are a must if your looking to serve amongst mission chief’s finest. Station stacking is also a big nope as per our realism policy.

    If you meet the criteria listed above, it’s time for you to move on to the next step which would be reading our rule book to make sure you agree with our policies before applying. Our most important rules are listed below ⬇️

    1. NO BULLYING. 1st time your caught harassing, bullying, or otherwise intentionally hurting somebody’s feeling will result in a 24 hour chat ban. 2nd time results in a ban for 1 week, and the 3rd is a boot from the alliance.

    2. Obeying your superiors. If somebody of a higher rank gives you an order or a command to do something, whether it be the chief, deputy chief, captain, or a lieutenant, you do it. This is how it works IRL so this is how it’s done in American Realism. If you feel like the order was unlawful than please come and speak to the chief or one of the two deputy chiefs of the alliance.

    3. Alliance funds. All players must contribute a minimum of 5% to the alliance fund which goes into the building of prisons and hospitals for the entire alliance to utilize.

    4. Promotions. These are not given to players upon request. They are given once/and or if the admins feel like a particular players has gone above and beyond into the cause of the alliance. This may include helping new players, actively participating in alliance missions, and putting in extra money to the alliance fund. Etc.

    5. REALISM. Players must build stations on the actual life locations of the fire, police, and EMS departments.This also includes putting the correct IRL apparatus in each station with the appropriate callsigns. If you encounter any problems with this or have trouble gathering information please reach out to one of the admins and we will be happy to help in any way we can.

    OK. So with the 5 basic rules out of the way, now the only thing left to do is to apply! Go in the search bar of the mission chief tab labeled “alliances” and type in “American Realism” then press the apply button and an admin will review you application in anywhere from under 5 minutes to excess of 10 hours! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and we hope to see your application soon!


    Chief DiddySkids :)