i have a feeling this maybe changed in the near future, they maybe holding off untill people have Road Police Trained.
Posts by StuartA1984
This is great. Thanks
Could you do these please if they aren't any trouble. No rush. Thank you
Nice not hinting or anything haha. But could you look at doing national grid and electricity northwest. Ad thats the area in UK I am. Hint hint haha. But seriously these are good graphics.
Some British Gas (from photos)
British gas under blue light. Cant say I've seen it. It just doesn't look right. Either way Very nice graphics.
there are good. Will have look and incorporate into using them.
could it be added like the the Mass Casualty Unit was 1 for every 25 stations(dont have to be this 1:25 could be anything like 1:15) this way it could be evened out.
I paid £17.99 for 850 coins, which is about $22 I believe
wounded i paid £39 for 900.
I used to like the check POI option we had. That way we wouldnt have has many barn fires in the middle of a high street and hospital fires located in a field.
You could always do a trial and error test make two ARRs. One for either then find a call and dispatch one. Worth a try. As I wouldn't know which is which.
Name/Type of Mission: Prison/Prisoner Escape
Units Required: 6 x IRV 2x DSU 1 x Police Helicopter
POI Required (Use “none” if not needed): Prison
Patients: 0
Prisoners: 1-4
Credit Reward: 5000 (guess work)
I like the idea of number 3 as these could range for say 5 appliances to 10 + specials depending on the call.
if you are using the app. Click on the question mark then the message icon top right corner. Not sure atm though the Web page.
thats one thing what could be looked at in a future update is an all in one station. but limit these building to say 1in every 25 bulidings could be made a tri service like dispatch bulidings. otherwise it would be very abused. i know this isnt always pratical with coding etc and the devs outlook on the game. but we can only suggest and pass it on. i would also support the small station to one expansion of either EMS/SWR. and make the ARFF only on large stations.
have you also reported this though the ingame help.
I spoke to TACRfan literally a few days ago about this and I would really support it there is only one issue and I will quote his words.
.Its more to do with people then not buying the larger stations which are more expensive
So the devs are worried about it being abused.
I can see were the Devs are coming from and i understand that it could be abused.
just those with large set ups who took advantage of the 50% event to expand more will now face a more expensive fee to upgrade small to large and then expand to SWR/Ambulance/ARFF as if i had known new units may have been due to be added i wouldnt of expanded like i did and would of placed the large stations in advance.
in a sence im lucky that within the 1st 25 stations its only 50K to upgrade but as i reach my most added it will be over 700K and then added price of extension and units..
could they look at limiting how many small stations could have extensions. or adjusting the price of the extension/units when built onto a small station. as i said i dont want to build all 3 extensions just the 1
It may have been mentioned before but i cant find it, could the Small Fire station allow one building expansion eg ambulance/swift water/Airport fire. this way its not going to cost everyone loads to expand and add these. you could limit this to ONE expansion only.
alsoadding this here to remove it from unit suggestion page.
I know this is not a Unit but a building suggestion,
yes i know i could just place a staging area but they only last 24 hrs. and place them on patrols but this is not always viable,
Parking area/holding area.. name it what you like
its has no building and the max it can hold is two units, only for
Police and Ambulance not fire. there is no expansions. this is just a
parking area for those places were there is no poilce station/ambulance
stataion.cost between 2500-5000 depending on what the devs feel like.
just a out loud thought thats all guys.
it also goes on people Points of Interest (POI) aa I've had major hospital fires in a housing estate and a city centre miles away from any hospital.
again these are not my graphics these have been collected off these forums
these are not mine, these are what i have collected off these forums.