Posts by j654232

    I apologise for this not sticking to the format. All will require an EMS response. Credit amounts are up to the devs.
    Here are the ideas:

    • Choking
    • Unknown Problem - could expand to another mission like the "Unknown structure fire" mission(see my previous thread about medical missions expanding)
    • Burns (not from a big fire incident but just like a burn from cooking)
    • Eye injuries/problems
    • Traumatic injury
    • Hot/cold exposure
    • Psychiatric(/suicide attempt - I understand that Seb has been very anti this, however I would like to see what they new devs think)

    EDIT: I would also like to use this thread to suggest that the mission "Domestic Disturbance" has the possibility for it to need an ambulance for patients
    Thank you for your consideration.

    Name/Type of Mission: Aircraft crash into forest/mountainous terrain

    Units Required:

    POI Required (Use “none” if not needed): Forest?

    Patients: 1-2

    Prisoners: 0

    Credit Reward: 500

    Name/Type of Mission: Aircraft crash with fire into forest/mountainous terrain

    Units Required:
    2 BC
    6 engines
    1 Hazmat
    1 mobile air
    1 water tanker

    POI Required (Use “none” if not needed): forest

    Patients: 1-4

    Prisoners: 0

    Credit Reward: 3000

    Just an idea I had. Would like feedback.

    Name/Type of Mission: Transfer from medical flight

    Units Required:
    1 BLS/ALS (for transport)

    POI Required (Use “none” if not needed): airport terminal (large and small)

    Patients: 1


    Credit Reward: 500

    Idk if y'all have a flying team that pick up injured/sick people from rural areas, then they get flown to Metro area and get picked up by an ambo? Search up "Royal Flying Doctor's Service" for an example.

    Name/Type of Mission: Supermarket Fire (big)
    Units Required:
    6 Engines
    3 Ladders
    1 Water tanker (50%)
    2 Battalion Chief
    1 Hazmat (10%)
    POI Required (Use “none” if not needed): Supermarket (big)
    Patients: 0-4
    Prisoners: 0
    Credit Reward: 5000
    Name/Type of Mission: Supermarket Fire (small)
    Units Required:
    3 engines
    1 platform
    1 Water Tanker (15%)
    1 Battalion Chief
    POI Required (Use “none” if not needed): supermarket (small)
    Patients: 0-2
    Prisoners: 0
    Credit Reward: 2500
    Name/Type of Mission: Suspected Arson (Residential)
    Units Required:
    3 engines
    1 platform
    1 battalion cheif
    3 patrol cars
    1 k-9 unit (50%)
    POI Required (Use “none” if not needed):none
    Patients: 0-4
    Prisoners: 0-1
    Credit Reward: 2200

    I just posted the same thing, but with missionchief Australia, the game doesn't reflect on real life at all. The Devs have no clue what units are here and what aren't. So, it's gone down the toilet. Honestly, if they were to make an Italian version, expect this.

    So, I'm Australian and for one, I've grinded so much on MCUS. Now, MCAU, is sorry for my language, but it is shite. They have no clue what it is like in Australia and it is not realistic at all. In fact, MCUS is probably more realistic.

    I'm just sticking to MCUS because of all the work I've put into it and how bad MCAU is.
