Posts by merlinxl

    And to add to the that, you can make the Mobile Communications Unit a dual police/fire unit, and could have special events such as parades, fire works, or sport events where the MCU is used for a few hours like in most major cities.

    I'd like to make the MCU changed to a Division Chief, or Watch Commander. The idea follows the US's National Incident Management System (NIMS) that span of control is usually best managed by 4-6 personnel or units. So a Battalion is required for 4-6 stations, while a Division/Watch Command covers 4-6 Battalions. The game is already set up this way, it's just a matter of changing the name.

    I would then create a separate unit as a Command Van/Truck or Communications Truck, but there would only be a requirement of 1 per department. There are few departments that I know of, that would ever have more than 1 command truck...FDNY and LAcoFD being just a few examples. Also, any mission that required a Command Van could not spawn while another event that requires a command van is currently dispatched.

    I'd like to see Administration buildings for all the different services. This could come into play from the beginning, maybe make them free. Expansions would include things that would enhance the game over all, or for a brief period of time. Say, one extension would be the Public Affairs or Public Information Office. This would come with a PIO Vehicle, and there could be benefits that could could pay for. For example, 10k gets you 48 hours of reduced or eliminated smoke detector checks, or reduced # of heatstrokes in order to get your calls caught up. There could also be a fleet garage, where you can store vehicles (they would be out of service) that you need for future use, but just don't have the space for at the moment. You could also store your larger vehicles that do not need to be staffed, but can be called upon to do large alliance missions. You could also do simple things such as edit your apparatus appearances, vehicles number, etc.