Posts by Yannick81


    ive a couple of rescue ambulances with 3 people in them now im kinda wondering because it did somehow popped up in mind: how many patients can you treat with 1 rescue ambulance?
    so far ive seen there are a requirement of 3 personell in an rescue ambulance but only 1 is treating a patient and the other are doing nothing as far as ive seen so why a 3 man crew if 2 are doing nothing? is there a fix for this? i mean it doesnt make sense ive 3 victims and only 1 person is treating 1 of the 3 victims.

    so i have this thing again: i know that the LACoFD has EMS Rescue Squads idk if that still is the case but how do i manage this in missionchief?
    there are a couple of options.... i could use a EMS rescue, a ALS engine and convert into a squad (hope that i can put rescue equipment in it) or i could pick a ALS Rescue Ambulance and exclude them from transporting patients? what does fit the best?

    so ive a new question but now im gonna try to put all the things in ive never heard off so that i dont need to ask a new question when i encounter something ivent heard about

    so ive an Assist 9 - whats an assist in terms of LACoFD?
    i got also an OES no clue what that means..
    and also an ESU...
    there was also a light force 8 i know what it means i just dont know if its a truck or a quint

    if i am that far that i need extra help with unit explanation ill come back but for now this is what i need to know to pick the best vehicle for the job so if anyone is willing to help me out i would appreciate that

    stupid question maybe but i hope someone is able to help me
    so i recently started over because i had no clue what everything was
    so i thought lets do weird and start in LA County for a change
    but now im a little confused because ofcourse i dont know a shit of LACoFD
    so my first question for today is: whats a PAU engine?
    i hope someone is able to help me with that


    i know it isnt a subject for now but i thought it would be pretty funny to do is:

    a few times a year you will have some spooky events i cant name them all for sure but think about halloween and that kinda stuff
    so why not have specific units that catches ghosts and other weird and scary creatures (think about the Ecto1 from the ghostbusters) instead of daily used vehicles
    i know it kinda sounds stupid as it is to create units for just halloween and stuff but its also kinda fun to respond with a ecto1 to a ghost scene isnt it?

    so my idea is:
    make some vehicles related to missions you can respond to around halloween like a ecto1 or a other vehicle that is halloween related somehow

    yesterday i went to sleep after i bought a new fire station
    now i should have the money for a new one but somehow its turned up to 150,000
    instead of 50,000 thats 100,000 more than first and 50,000 more than the normal sized firestation
    is this a concidered bug?

    ive noticed that the firefighter personell cant threat victims on a call, for realism i think there should be an Add-on at the fire academy for training firefighters on BLS
    nowadays a lot of counties have required police and fire personell to have BLS its a normal standard

    how i would see this:
    you can hire firefighters and police officers but you cant actually treat victims when an ambulance is not nearby
    so i would suggest that when you hire personell that you need to send them to the academy for a first aid/EMT training
    this can take a week (7 days) or 3 days
    you can still assign those personell to any vehicle so basicly it doesnt matter in what kind of vehicle they are
    this function give you the ability to treat victims in the field

    personell - EMT/First aid education
    any vehicle
    ability to treat victims on scene
    transport still needs to be done by ambulance

    this is easier when there is no transport needed and you can do small EMS calls without any need of a vehicle you can use for another call where it might be important

    i agree on that one brush trucks bulldozers and all the other vehicles and apparatus for forest fire service its a good thing to add in the game because there is a lot of green in the map its also very realistic to have those available this might be a good expansion idea