Thanks fornthe reply.
Greatful for the addition but just feel the education side is a bit messed up. Yeah correct courses ect for the pods (we'll excuse that there are pods missing certain ones as that would screw us even more). I can manage by training PM crews in everything it's just a pain really. Would have been better just to have PM crew drop off pod at scene to be used by the trained staff there, but hey it will do as is. We can work around it.
If we are working like British crews, the crews the are mobilised on the appliance are normally trained that specialist Pod for example, that’s why HVP crew arriving are the only ones to touch the pod and have dedicated kit as they are trained, same with command support & Hazardous materials. Once on scene officers can normally support with it as they have advanced capabilities but for your standard firefighter unless asked tend to opt out of working with the equipment due to them not being trained in that field.
Hope that answers your question. Although I do understand your frustration with 3x training and hopefully we can arrange a middle ground that suits all parties.