Posts by ranger1000

    A member from alliance reporting his prisoner is not released since two days sending him for jail.
    I tried helping him out with my coins to release the prisoner.
    MY COINS. But my coins not taken and also prisoners is not released.

    User name Milanvora

    I had a similar issue with my alliance prisons. I had a prison based in the UK that for some reason, people could not transfer to. It was an issue for a minute and then they were all of a sudden able to transport to it again. I don't know if it is just a weird glitch or what the problem is but I guess it is something to be on the lookout for.

    Now any solution for this? I lost 100000 for building first time and i destructed due to the problem now again this problem. What to do now?

    Hi guys my member is struggling with prison because he cant able to take prisoner to the jail.

    My location is Chennai TN. I have built new prison at Mumbai for newly joined Alliance members they are from Mumbai MH. Approx. 1300km from my location.
    I have finished building a Cell with coins and its ready to use. But the players from Mumbai reporting "we were not able to take prisoners to Jail. What would be the reason for this?

    More Info.
    Prison built as Alliance Building? Yes
    Connected to Dispatch center? No Because i already have dispatch in my location. and i was not able to link because its 1000+km away.
    Alliance members distance from Prison? 50km approx.
    I am the owner of the alliance.
    The building is free of tax.

    Thank You.

    My location is Chennai TN. I have built new prison at Mumbai for newly joined Alliance members they are from Mumbai MH. Approx. 1300km from my location.
    I have finished building a Cell with coins and its ready to use. But the players from Mumbai reporting "we were not able to take prisoners to Jail. What would be the reason for this?

    More Info.
    Prison built as Alliance Building? Yes
    Connected to Dispatch center? No Because i already have dispatch in my location. and i was not able to link because its 1000+km away.
    Alliance members distance from Prison? 50km approx.

    Thanks in Advance.

    I have built a Prison but my alliance members were not able to take a prisoner. I built on to near his region but why? this is happening second time. I already built one and destructed due to this problem. Again this happens.
    This building built as Alliance building.

    Thanks in advance.

    But what if that vehicle is no longer at the station in an hours time? It could be at another call even further away and there could be a closer available vehicle in an hour when you want to dispatch it?It may be the best vehicle for the job now but that doesn't mean it'll be the best vehicle for the job in 1 or 2 hours, chances are it won't be.

    I am saying this as an additional option. You are correct but still this feature may help often. Always we are now going to have the units out of the station like the best unit near the mission at another scene.
    an if we have any unit available we can make schedule dispatch it. The scheduling units can override the assigned mission when played with the same unit for other mission and it can redirect to the scheduled Event.
    Hope you get me.

    You can actually schedule units to respond as "follow-up" on the Response Menu. Once you click "Follow Up" it brings up a list of units that are not able to immediately respond, but will respond after they finish their current assignment/mission.

    Example of properly using Follow Up : You have 3 engines at a fire, but you want to get off, but you also have a timed-event that requires one of those engines that you cannot dispatch. If you click Follow-Up, select one of the engines, once that mission is done, it automatically responds and takes care of the mission you selected.

    Yes. But my idea is to actually set an dispatch time. Like set an unit to dispatch to the planned event.
    To say, If the event is starting by 2hrs "A Baseball Match". I SHOUld be able to "dispatch 1hr" or 2hr or 3 hr so on. THAT WILL BE NICE ONE. So this is not actually followup! Straight away from the station.

    Can you include how to send the issue? I know at-least myself and a few others have no clue how to contact support. Someone mentioned using a channel, but there's no support forum category area, and most people don't use the missionchief application on the phones if that's what it refers to.

    If you are playing on a browser you should see a "FAQ" on the bottom right of the footer. Click that it will take you to FAQ page. next to search you will find contact. and that is your support.
    if you are playing in smartphone you should see a question mark on your bottom right of the screen. that will do the same thing that of the above. you will find conversation icon on the top right. send you issue there.
    Thank you!

    Having two dispatch centres doesn't stop units associated with one dispatch centre from being dispatched to calls associated with the other. In most circumstances that's generally a good thing.
    The only way to get around that, if you want to, is to either reduce the dispatch radius (the distance buttons along the bottom of the dispatch screen on a call) or by assigning all units from dispatch centre A to custom categories and all units in dispatch centre B to different custom categories and then reflecting that in your A&RR settings - that will keep the fleets separate. A lot of messing around though.

    I will try that.! Thanks Wings.

    I have separate Dispatch center and separate stations linked to each. But still dispatch center "A" was able to assign the unit of Dispatch Center "B". This shouldn't be a possible because how a unit of "A "dispatch is listed in the mission of this "B" dispatch when selecting units to dispatch. Please Guide if i am doing anything wrong. I have Checked the check box for Coverage of Dispatch with the station linked for both A & B.

    If i were able to top up my alliance of what i have in my hand that will be very much helpful. As a single person managing alliance this will be helpful.
    I will top up my alliance with my all earning or will partially top up it. like 20% 50% so on. This will ensure the growth of the alliance.

    How about this idea.

    Yes you are correct. I did that already but still i am asked to assign unit from my old city. thats where i was not able to finish the mission and i did role back my new base.