Alright, I will try my best to contact a Administrator about this problem, but thank you for atleast helping me. I very happy that you've tried.
No worries, strange thing I came across with. Good luck with it all.
Alright, I will try my best to contact a Administrator about this problem, but thank you for atleast helping me. I very happy that you've tried.
No worries, strange thing I came across with. Good luck with it all.
Okay, I think the only best advice I could recommend is speaking to a administrator about it. I think they might have a answer to your problem.
Didn't work, sadly.
I see, how long you been playing? I don't have an premium account and I have that option. Seems strange for you not to have it, tried logging off and back on again?
I have that button on my screen, did you try reloading your page?