(I meant to post this on the US forum, originally on UK one)
First off, id like to say i love this game and have been playing it for over 8 years but have slowed down a lot lately.
I love playing realistically, long with many other players, I build real stations and try to use real vehicles/apparatus also. But it has gotten more difficult to do so because of the calls the game has, some just require way to many units and playing realistically becomes to difficult.
I would love the option (and would even pay extra for it) to be able to turn off all the missions provided by the me, and be allowed to create and use our own missions/calls so theyd be more suitable to where we decide to play. (no more huge missions in places where real life would never happen).
and there would be ways to regulate it to prevent abuse such as:
-money; when missions are created, the less units and time needed to complete the call, the less its worth, the more units a call requires, so the more units you choose, the more the call is worth and the longer it would take
-create a minimum amount of calls the require only 1 or two units, this way people cant just make huge calls only to make money.
but this would allow people to play realistically alot more easy and they can customize it to fit the area they choose to play (big city vs rural)