Posts by tyler9117

    (I meant to post this on the US forum, originally on UK one)

    First off, id like to say i love this game and have been playing it for over 8 years but have slowed down a lot lately.

    I love playing realistically, long with many other players, I build real stations and try to use real vehicles/apparatus also. But it has gotten more difficult to do so because of the calls the game has, some just require way to many units and playing realistically becomes to difficult.

    I would love the option (and would even pay extra for it) to be able to turn off all the missions provided by the me, and be allowed to create and use our own missions/calls so theyd be more suitable to where we decide to play. (no more huge missions in places where real life would never happen).

    and there would be ways to regulate it to prevent abuse such as:

    -money; when missions are created, the less units and time needed to complete the call, the less its worth, the more units a call requires, so the more units you choose, the more the call is worth and the longer it would take

    -create a minimum amount of calls the require only 1 or two units, this way people cant just make huge calls only to make money.

    but this would allow people to play realistically alot more easy and they can customize it to fit the area they choose to play (big city vs rural)

    I think this could still be exploited. For example you could just make one call that requires loads of vehicles and then continuously just use that one call to make money. I think also this would be a lot of work for the devs and not something they would do as it wouldn’t benefit them. You have to remember that they do this as a job.

    As I said in the post.

    Require a minimum amount of calls that have to be made and also have a minimum amount of calls that require only one or two units so they would be low paying.

    And I understand this is there jobs, which means they should want to do what they can to make the game even better, and this is just that.

    Or at least they can give us the option to turn calls off.

    First off, id like to say i love this game and have been playing it for over 8 years but have slowed down a lot lately.

    I love playing realistically, long with many other players, I build real stations and try to use real vehicles/apparatus also. But it has gotten more difficult to do so because of the calls the game has, some just require way to many units and playing realistically becomes to difficult.

    I would love the option (and would even pay extra for it) to be able to turn off all the missions provided by the me, and be allowed to create and use our own missions/calls so theyd be more suitable to where we decide to play. (no more huge missions in places where real life would never happen).

    and there would be ways to regulate it to prevent abuse such as:

    -money; when missions are created, the less units and time needed to complete the call, the less its worth, the more units a call requires, so the more units you choose, the more the call is worth and the longer it would take

    -create a minimum amount of calls the require only 1 or two units, this way people cant just make huge calls only to make money.

    but this would allow people to play realistically alot more easy and they can customize it to fit the area they choose to play (big city vs rural)

    there is no reason there should be a max police helicopter count.

    I need more than four with the amount of police stations i have.

    The LAPD itself has more than 4. plus almost every other city in la county has its own police helicopter

    in alarm and response regulations, its is assigning my sheriff units to calls even though i never checked the sheriff box in the alarm regulations.

    Its recognizing the sheriff unit as a patrol car. if i wanted a sheriff unit on that call, i would have added it to my regualtion.

    and i do realize the sheriff unit does act as a patrol but it should still not be picked when only patrol car is selected. just like how a k-9 unit is not selected when i pick patrol car.

    So I found out missions are available after obtaining 1 FBI Building. Certain calls are available when you get 8.



    Only 2 require one building, the rest require 3 or more. and even having 3 fbi buildings is a stretch especially for how much they cost. and most states dont even have more than one building in the entire state.

    Yea i think with how much the federal building costs, its only fair that all the fbi missions become available once one is built. plus its alot more realistic.
    No mission should require more than one federal building.

    So we have this new FBI building and missions update and i love it and love the idea of it. but the problem is the FBI missions require up to 8 federal police buildings.

    for one, they are very expensive to build to have that many.
    and also most players like playing realistically and like building real places. IN the US, the FBI only has 56 field offices that are 24 hour response buildings. (See screenshot attached)
    the entire state of California only has 4.

    Basically what im asking is all the new federal police missions should be available once at least one building is made.

    1. In the "active shooter" call ambulances do not cancel themselves automatically if not needed. (for the premium players using that setting)

    2. This ones from the new sheriff update.the call "silent alarm triggered inside bank" call is set for the "high rise" POI. i believe it should be the "Bank" poi.

    Curious if anyone only plays the game with just Police, no fire/ems building.

    How do you like it? I'm thinking about just doing only PD and no more fire/ems. i like playing with real life apparatus and stations and the type of calls the game has makes that too difficult on the fire side of it.

    Just like missions you have to wait for them to complete,

    i think it would be much more realistic if ambulances actually took some time to clear a hospital and go back in service. not just immediately turn around right after getting there.

    maybe like a 1-5 min. time out of service (still alot faster than real life)

    Yes yes yes!!!