that isn't a bad idea
Posts by JonBen14137
I havn't this problem
Good idea
You must use alt+letter by Google chrome. I don't usw this feater
I havn't this problem
In this tread you can ask questions and other user answer. So they will help you
very good for the game and the user
when I start aa large alliance Mission, then stand there "letzter kostenloser Einsatz"
Thats a food compromise
Very nice Krys!! Your police vechiles are very great
he mean, that the Text is in german
I think, that is difficult. Think at Leitstellenspiel. OK I don't know something Form the fire energie in the USA, so it is very difficult for my
that is a very giid idea, but it must give some Pois. I don't know a lot of the metro in the USA too. I play in Leipzig and there isn't a tube
Sometime. I know bad grammar and wrong words.
today Sebastian istalled the abulance and a Hospital. Both buildings can you buy for 200 000 credits. Than you Sebastian
Bilder sagen mehr als Worte
pictures say more than words -
So. Here the problem is now available here (reload has fixed the problem here in the forum of Leitsellenspiel did not help)
Wenn man in den Einstellung in der Leitstelle auf RTW automatisch zurück alarmieren klickt, man keinen premium account und auf speichern klickt, steht der Text in dem roten Kästchen auf deutsch statt auf englisch