Posts by WinWin

    for the first one, I don’t really get why you’d want the boats to go around instead of through the quickest route of water.

    The second one is like the dealbreaker there. That cannot be implemented. Like, cannot. I like the idea input though.


    I understand now. I generally don’t care. I still like that feature though. This game is not fully realistic and it’s a good Laugh. I don’t wish to change this as all it does is add more time for routes and same for boats going on land...

    I’d keep it, but if the devs want to put a toggle on it, I’m fine with that too. The whole idea and concept I think is just something to bring up in the way future. There are many more things to change and add as of now and these kind of functions are just not worth the development time at this time.

    I see. Well, I object to that even more...

    How could that even at all add to the kind of realism this game has!!!!

    I’m sorry, I definitely do not agree. It just doesn’t make sense for this game. This game is mostly realistic. That would defeat everything this game is like.

    I don’t think the water boats should unlock at deputy chief. This is because it may be realistic irl but really, you need the required amount of stations to spawn any of those missions. There are so few anyways that it really doesn't matter. Honestly, you won’t profit until you get enough stations so...

    Well, with my set up I like the amount of SWR missions, I believe the fire boat missions can produce more than currently and Wildfire missions DEFINITELY do not produce enough missions. I have right now about 10 Wildland stations in San Jose and get like 1 wildland mission every week! Sometimes not even. We need a lot more wildland missions.

    no, it really is not necessary. I see your point but there are just not many stations like that. It’s not really worth developing.

    and plus, all you have to do is delete a regular engine as I said and put in a pumpertanker. If it was build in it’s the same price anyways. The price of the vehicle is added into the station price.

    hey, sweet. I believe POI’s are shared with everyone in game and if you’ve done that Area... I don’t have to do POI’S in the whole area! Thanks. I am currently building up SJ working on Santa Clara and that helps.

    It’s an idea but not a priority. Also, I doubt fire stations’ only unit there is a pumper tanker. The reason why those units are standard is because some stations may just have that unit. And plus, if there is a fire station with just a pumper tanker get a Station with a standard engine. The engine comes 100% free of cost with the station, if you get a rescue engine or quint as default it adds an extra 19k to your Station price (price of vehicle) so you would lose that money. Otherwise, I don’t see why you would need this feature.

    yea, you have to got to the filter menu on the top right of your map. Then you have to wait for the stations to appear. If you don’t wait then yea they won’t show. It dosen't take long anyways.

    I haven’t had any problems with it yet so, it may or may not just be a bug.

    Yea, I get it. I am rn building SJ and San Fran fully realistically but I still like my coast gaurd boat to fly through land even though it is totally non realistic. Do you have all you dispatch centers with the “only create coverage area” or smth like that on? If you only have a few stations in each dispatch center yea, none will spawn.

    hello everyone,

    not sure if this has been mentioned before but the “Medical emergency on ship” callout does not have a progress report bar at the top. It’s just white instead of red indicating it not being done yet. It’s a bug for everyone of those missions for me. I have yet to confirm it with my alliance.


    I currently have 3 large boat stations and a water rescue station. I have had them for somewhere between 4 and 6 months but I haven't gotten a single mission that uses them yet. I've used them whenever non-water based fire missions pop up on water just so they could get called out. And for some strange reason, they miraculously cross over land instead of staying on the water.

    I really don’t think it’s possible not to get a mission that requires fire boats or rescue boats if you’ve had them for 6 months. I know they are not common, but with a set up like that you should have gotten some. Hopefully you have at least a few fire stations and the required amount for any mission that requires it or else yea, you won’t get one.

    These boats have been traveling on land for ages. And quite frankly I don’t really want them to not do that. Boats are a very good investment to get to a mission quickly, and if that’s not a perk with it I may give them up. Also, the map that this game uses, I doubt has water lines which mean, paths for the boats to take. Because right now all of the roads in the map, are mapped unlike the water ways. It’ll be a challenge to do that with the ocean, lol.

    yea, it just varies. Although, just cycle through all your missions. It’s not like 2-5 missions really matter so much to spawn all at once honestly.

    Sometimes missions just don’t generate. For me on some days it’s 112 or 115. I don’t know why that is but because I have so many anyways it’s not a big deal. I think it’s just time. The last few generated missions I’ll just take more time?