Posts by Saviorself

    I guess that's where the separation is. I have less then 100 buildings. I don't have a huge capacity to absorb it and I personally am mostly into the Fire Department aspect of building things.

    I do get that bigger players can do it easy, but it pops up enough for a smaller player like me, that ventured into police and EMS only because they liked the game as a whole, enough to be game breaking.

    Fair enough. I don't disagree that the game on the whole is not bad, or think the devs are bad, nor do I think the original developer that they bought the ip from is bad even tho I haven't always agreed with the decisions he made. But this mission does take away from the enjoyment of the product for me.

    On this board, in the alliance I'm in and everywhere I see this game discussed I see people saying the Major Earthquake mission is not something they enjoy.

    I want to make this thread just for others to share their personal opinion.

    I understand that turning off mission expansion can help, but I enjoy that feature for everything other than this one mission.

    I feel this mission should either be removed or separated from the Earthquake mission expansion line.

    For those of us that play realistic a major earthquake would be more of a strom scenario then a one off mission anyway. I realize this is not supposed to be a sim so I see argument about that.

    The main point of this post is that I believe the Major Earthquake mission as it is currently is poorly formed, and makes me change settings to avoid it that takes away from the rest of the game. I'm curious of other players opinions.