Hello Dev Team

    I absolutely love digging into this game after work with my mates, answering all the jobs you guys have created, I have no criticism however i do have a few suggestions for future updates to come. My apologies if these suggestions have been raised on this discussion from. it is my first time posting so i apologize again if i break any rules during this post.

    Suggestion 1

    during my time as volunteer we are often called to jobs that do not require us to respond code 3 (lights and sirens) however sometimes want us to respond code 1 (no lights) or code 2 (semi of both), I see the popup jobs like smoke detector checks and the community engagement events, which display the units proceeding with no lights, and normal jobs they respond with lights i am asking if we as players are able to receive different response status to jobs implemented on the callout screen or something similar, this would add that crispy snap to the game for realism sakes. i hope somebody out there would agree :) :thumbsup:

    Suggestion 2

    I love seeing the custom creators, creating new graphics packs for their individual units and areas, i myself have assisted in that. currently their are only two different customisations to the game, this includes vehicle packs and mission icons, i was wondering if us as players are able to get customisable sounds eg dispatch, pager tones, bells, whistles, realistic sounds, to add to that realism. Instead of the bell and tone of every single mission we get. That would be a great advantage to the players and alliances to have realistic area tones for their realistic areas they play as.

    Suggestion 3

    I know this is a hot topic at the moment so i wont say much on it but please can we get Alliance buildings back into the game as soon as possible as a hot patch or in the next update of the game. As myself and all the alliances out there would agree, doubling up on stations due to the inability to see each others stations causes chaos in organising a realistic district when each member has the same station.

    If you have made it this far thanks for listening to my suggestions
    Keep up the good work team. very impressed still here after day one.

    Yours Sincerely