Posts by Firefighter_HJ

    So I have been looking at the maps in game. I have noticed throughout the different map options that you have that none of them show hydrants or water supply. Now I know that making the hydrant icons accurate to where they are in real life is a huge task due to the shear size of the United States. But, having the icons in the game sporadically or set at a certain distance from each other would be a nice addition to the realism of the game. I also know that as of now the hydrants will not doing anything since there is nothing added in for direct water supply. I'm from the Warren County, Ohio area, and I know that in my county all of our maps, either on out Active 911 maps on our phones or the CAD system, show hydrants in relation to the direction of travel and call address.

    I just think this would be a cool addition to be able to see in game and maybe implemented in the future.

    Thank you for listening!

    I absolutely love these ideas. You have a like from me. However the only thing I see here that may need to be tweaked is the sound pack idea. I saw what people were saying about the old devs and copyright issues. I think that maybe if you could select from a variety of generic tones,(ex: high to low pitch) tones that would bypass the copyright issue.

    Also, the code 1, 2, 3 idea is awesome and I 100% agree with this. Like just being able to select which code you want to have your units respond with would be a nice addition, as well as implementing that the different responses would change the response times per units.

    Awesome ideas! I agree with you 100%