Posts by tbz_thegreat

    hello mission chief forum my name is tbz (in game- Herts999) i have finished my first from scratch graphic, it is in the style of krys (kinda). I would love to hear your opinions, tips or criticism.

    I have made CFD Battalion Chief 16 Ford Explorer

    Name~ D class lifeboat
    Service~ RNLI
    Purpose~ inshore water rescue on by the coast
    Cost~ 3000
    How many personal required~ min 2 max 3
    Training~ inshore lifeboating
    Building expansion~ none
    Max patients/prisoners~2

    Name~ E class lifeboat
    Service~ RNLI
    Purpose~ River lifeboating in major rivers mainly river Thames
    Cost~ 9000
    How many personal required~ min 3 max 4
    Training~ River lifeboating
    Building Expansion~ none
    Max patients/prisoners~ 4

    Name~ Atlantic 85 lifeboat
    Service~ RNLI
    Purpose~ larger inshore water rescue
    Cost~ 9000
    How many personal required~ 4 min and max
    Training~ inshore lifeboating
    Building expansion~ none
    Max patients/prisoners 3

    Name~ Tamar class lifeboat
    Service~ RNLI
    Cost~ 14000
    Purpose~ lifeboating for further out to sea water rescue in all weather
    Personal~ 6
    Training~ inshore lifeboating and all weather lifeboating
    Building expansion~ all weather lifeboats
    Max patients/prisoner~ 5

    Name~ Severn class lifeboat
    Service~ RNLI
    Purpose~ all weather lifeboating for large incidents further out to sea
    Personal~ 7/8
    Training~ all weather lifeboating
    Building expansion~ all weather lifeboats
    Max patients/ prisoners~ 5

    Name~ station car.
    Service~ RNLI
    Purpose~ driving patients to the station and other on land assistance and towing d class
    Personal~ 1
    Training~ first aid and lifeboat launch
    Building expansion~ none
    Max patients/ prisoner 2