Posts by jaba9921

    I see i was not that far into the game yet, Thank you for your responses!

    I did misread the missions i didnt see it required 2 engines not just one lol

    And i have not upgraded to a regular station yet so you have helped tremendously!!!

    This is my first time ever using a forum so please excuse me if i do something wrong :thumbup:

    Ive noticed this while dispatching vehicles to calls that some apparatuses do not count as a "Fire truck". For example, i recently purchased the quint for 25 coins because i work on a quint apparatus. Knowing the abilities of the vehicle, it surprises me that it is not able to be used for extinguishing small fires such as cupboard or wildfires when i have been dispatched IRL to calls on my vehicle to similar situations. My personal opinion would be to classify them as a 'Fire Truck" too but i'm no code junkie so.

    Its a tad bit frustrating dispatching the quint to a call then it saying '1 Fire truck needed". When i know that they have a pretty strong pump on them

    Also, in the united states it is common to have fire stations include ambulance's in fire stations, and it came to my surprise that there is an "Ambulance station" I don't know if there is some game play mechanics that took precedent over reality (Which if so i completely understand) but that just my thoughts.