Posts by DoctorWho

    Try this, send only 5 of your personnel. Then set it to start the class in 1 or 2 days time, set the credits to 500 (so you get paid for them being in school). Then see if someone from your alliance can send 5 of their personnel. If you send 10 of your own personnel. That takes all the available spots, and there will be no more spots available for your association members.

    I agree with this, and have actually been doing some research on the subject. As many of the tones are Copyrighted by the companies who have created them and what not, so there are some legalities involved. But I really like this idea.

    I just went to send out a heart felt thank you to everyone who serves, has served, or will serve in the military. Today I also choose to remember all those in Public Safety, and Civilians who have lost their lives. Thank you for doing all that you do. It does not go unnoticed.

    I am noticing an error every so often, and I have not been able to troubleshoot it yet. I am having units that will dispatch without personnel. When it gets on scene, it will require me to dispatch another unit to take it's place. I am usually unaware of it until it's on scene. Like my personnel get onscene then say "Screw This We Are Leaving" which is abandonment lol.

    If you notice SCCAD Medic 14-2 has 0 Personnel in it, but the game automatically assigns a patient to them, as it's an Ambulance. Patient LARA M. is onboard but is receiving care from an Engine Company. And the additional medic unit had to be dispatched and take the patient from them.

    I have more than enough people hired in each station, well over a 3 shift rotation schedule, with part timers.

    Type 1(Often called Custom Cab or Cab Over) - 6 Personnel
    Type 2 (Commercial Cab) - 3 Personnel

    Outside of that, same pumping and water capacities in the game.

    If you are not seeing this screen when it tells you you have a vehicle with a speaking wish. Scroll down on the dispatch window. As you can see I have two police stations, with 5 cells each. Do you see something like that on your page? Can you post a screen shot off it.

    I only have 1 hazmat truck among my 8 stations, but I have people trained in all my stations in preperation for when I choose to build 11 stations and purchase the hazmat units prior to the 11th station going in. I have 30 people trained in each station, so they can rotate. But I agree it would be nice to be able to move units whether for staging purposes, or moving a unit to a different station.

    A week isn't bad considering in the real world it can take months, and years to complete hospital upgrades. And jail cells. If you would like it to go faster, you can complete it with coins.

    In my area any "Rapid Response Vehicles" either fire or ems, are usually the Fire Battalion chiefs or EMS Battalion Chiefs in the area. The county I live in currently has 3 EMS Battalion Chiefs, but we have 15 EMS stations with a 16th on the way. And I hardly ever see them running calls, unless it is something MAJOR. They are nothing more than single person Paramedic Units, that carry some specialized equipment, and can act as one additional person on a call.