Posts by Epsilon

    Unfortunately from what I have found, there isn't a way to turn off certain missions from spawning.

    One thing you could do is remove some stations or expansions from your dispatch center list in order to prevent that mission from spawning. But on the other hand to that, you won't be able to spawn a mission like Person hit by a jet ski if you turn off your water rescue expansion.

    Not sure if this has already been suggested, but I see that calls can be upgraded. For example, a call can come in as a cooking fire which upgrades to a kitchen fire and then to a residential fire.

    I thought about how many calls I have been on as a VFF that came in as a structure fire and it has just been smoke inside of a house. One that sticks out to me was a call for 4 cars involved in a crash and it ended up just being someone who backed into someone else's car.

    I think a cool addition to the game could be downgrading some missions kind of like how they are upgraded, just backwards. Same thing for EMS calls, maybe a call that came in as a stroke or a heart attack has a chance to be nothing and EMS can clear quicker.

    Just a thought.