Posts by cusefan21

    i really dont have a complaint persay but i do have a huge question about missions. so i went through the missions that and the stuff i have. police, fire, rescue, foam, airport, etc etc.. going thru the list seeing alot in green. I know the game is supposed to be random when it comes to missions but how come going thru the list of missions and when i see one i checkmark it on my master list yet so far out of all the missions the game has and what i got i havent seen or had in my queue 83 missions that i should be getting and i have hundreds of POIs but i never seem to get missions to coincide with POIs and i missing something?

    i got a few that need addressing.

    1. assigning personnel to vehicles doesnt show up so i ned to search who i got in vehicles to complete missions

    2. i had a partial building collapse sent 10 USAR/10 Tech Rescue and still showed i needed 8 more USAR and 3 more Tech rescue when i sent plenty the first time.

    3. need to fix some of the missions. ambo accident should be a firefighting mission, arborist accident should be a firefighting mission and i cant remember the 2 or 3 others that need mission changes.

    4. Clinics have general internal only need to add extensions for gynecology, urology, cadiology, general surgeon, and neurology to them as many primary care places do alot of that in-house especially 24 hour clinics

    5. Vehicle load limit is still messed up hasnt been fixed in years.

    These are just a few i have noticed playing the game for a few years but thats just my issues with it

    ok here it is i got about 130 stations or so. after the first 30 i cant expand past level 5 with no problems. the other 90 or so are stuck at 5 with no way to expand them til i keep expand the others first. As for wildfire mission they generate i play them no problem but they havent added any to daily tasks in quite awhile

    i love the game only issue i have is way to much repetitive stuff as in missions. seems to me it gets boring when the daily tasks are always the same.. you have 330 missions, 1250000 credits, 100 ambo missions, 25 police missions, 100 fire fighting missions all the time.. i havent seen 25 wildfire missions in forever. TBH when i wished they would fix a few missions like Powerline Struck by lightning mission or arborist accident these are definitely not an ambo mission they are fire fighting missions. I also disapprove of how you cant just pick and choose stations for expansion i got so many stuck at 6 that i have to waste money expanding stations to 20 or 30 til i can move on. there def needs to many fixes by the devs before they can add whole new things. .No stations in the US that i know of have 20 apparatus in one station. Devs need to fix this to 10 max in the US. just my thoughts but im sure the powers to be here will have some things to say about it hopefully to the dev in the future cause it helps us all out