And whats exactly?
a serial refers to a singular carrier. 3 serials make up a PSU (Police support unit)
a serial is made up of 1 sgt and 7 or 8 PCs.
A PSU is made up of 1 inspector, 3 sgts and 21 or 24 PCs
And whats exactly?
a serial refers to a singular carrier. 3 serials make up a PSU (Police support unit)
a serial is made up of 1 sgt and 7 or 8 PCs.
A PSU is made up of 1 inspector, 3 sgts and 21 or 24 PCs
real police lingo!! wait till its like PSU or EGs get implmented haha
fantastic!!! if you could do the command unit for essex and then the 2 london ones i would be forever grateful. Cheers!
i appreciate its not up north but would you be able to do some ESSEX SAR and London SAR vehicles? theres only 2 vehicles for each county
Display MoreNow, I understand this game is a game based around Emergency services but having other services will just extend the game's outreach and will help current calls be even more realistic. Mission Chief has the potential to expand the content instead of sticking with the emergency services. The services that will be listed below would change how people will approach the game and may even extend the player base.
Network Rail - Network Rail is the main railway response and maintenance company in the whole of the UK. With the implementation of Network Rail or something similar, it can extend the current railway calls which could require Network Rail to do maintenance and clean up. Also with separate network rail calls such as Points Failure, Track Obstruction, etc. Then along with this, we could have a railway expansion to facilitate things like BTP and the Response Unit which they have. Also maybe could be more than network rail and transport response units which lots of companies do have.
- Response Vehicle
- Maintenance Vehicle
- Command Unit
- Road Rail Vehicle (Could be added for fire services also as some have these)
- Maintenance Train
Highways Agency - I think most people know what the highways agency is but for the same reasons as the ones above but you could have motorway calls expanded for cleanup and maintenance. The calls for this could be, Person on the Motorway, Broken down Vehicle, Broken motorway gantry. This also could facilitate recovery companies being an extension which I will get on to.
- Traffic Officer Vehicle
- Maintenance Vehicle
- Incident Response Vehicle
- Gritter
Recovery Companies - Very simple and self-explanatory but extends calls and can create more calls for the player base.
- Roadside Recovery Vehicle
- Flatbed
- Flatbed + Boom
- Wrecker - (For Heavy recovery calls)
I imagine more people could add on for calls, vehicles ect so will leave the rest open.
i like the idea of the flatbed stuff, in the met we got VRES which is vehicle recovery and examination services. they foresnsically lift the cars to be searched by forensics or ripped apart by POLSA. Sometimes they can take seized vehicles but most of the time is C&S.
VRES also have operational PCs who have X5s, passats, skodas or 2 series and basically deal with no insurance vehicles
I like the idea but gotta wait n see what happens!!!
Send some pictures and I'll see what I can do
Essex SAR:…0437-scaled.jpg…12/IMG_8105.jpg
London SAR:…138243015_n.jpg…jpg&name=medium…pg&name=900x900
(only 2 vehicles for LonSAR and not many images)
Yer, but when was the last time one of them turned a wheel?
in london when im out n about you can see them driving down the road or responding. 9 times out of 10 though they will only be there for large events such as NYE or parades. or incidents that have a multi agency response.
hes already done them dude as i asked for them a while back haha.…t-gen-6x61-png/
not sure if you take requests but would you be able to do london and essex lowland SAR vehicles?
Would it be possible to change the capacity in the SAR 4X4 as a lot of SAR in the south ie london and essex use vans instead of 4x4.
or create a seperate vehicle that can carry more than 1 person and a drone
Anyone know what a S&R HQ IRL equivalent would be? Should I be sticking these on top of Coastguard stations or should they be equivalent to something like for dorset?
That's exactly what it is mate, lowland SAR. I think the term HQ just throws people off
This just came to me, the fire command unit acts as a command unit and fire officer.
The ambo command just counts as a command vehicle.
Would it not make sense to have them act as either an OTL or ambo officer as they have a command course.
What's peoples thoughts?
Would be good to incorporate the coastguard helicopter into this due to the winch or casualty evacuation
If 'Risk Fan Escort' is what i think it is - Millwall verus West Ham? - then perhaps that should be on the scheduled list too...
nothing wrong with us west ham fans
Yeah no issues at all! might be a wee wait but they will be done
your a star, thank you!
would you be able to take a look at the new appliances based at biggin hill?
Has anyone made any of the defence fire service vehicles? mainly the new ones seen at brize norton and northolt
Has anyone got the nissan Navara coastguard vehicles? One with the stretcher and one without
I was wondering if we could get more police specalisations like ones designated for traffic bases or firearms bases.
Just an idea
Anyone able to make these new vehicles for london biggin hill pleae