Posts by Ethosyde

    I do want more than just Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, I just figured to start there since its closest .

    In order for me to join another alliance, they are all super far from me, takes hours and days for vehicles to return, which means loss of income potential. Unless helping out alliance gets you more and I am not understanding fully.

    I joined a few alliances, they seem to be based in NYC and other locations.

    If you are like me, new and want to help on alliance missions, have fun, but be closer to your alliance members without having to have your vehicles out on the road for dozens of hours... join Michigan Public Safety, today!

    I want to get people together that are more around each other, that do not want to move around, which means quicker alliance missions, help, and so on.

    I am basing my alliance off the real Michigan Public Safety Communication System... where we will house our PSAPS (911 call centers) at the exact location within the state, and then you can house your actual buildings anywhere you want, or you can base it off the areas of which are legit.

    I am new to the game, but also looking for grow myself as well as the alliance.

    Hope to see Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and of course Michigan people. Even Windsor, Canada are welcome!

    :thumbsup: :thumbup: :!: :!: :!:

    I just started playing... so I am new (noob). I went through the guide and everything, thanks for that.

    I am curious, is there a way to auto mate the dispatch calls? Right now, I only have three fire trucks, but curious if I can just have the system dispatch them automatically for me, based on criteria.