Posts by Wacam

    Depends on whether or not pumps "stack". 2x Water ladders (2000 l/min) equal the pumping power of a pump trailer. Or if you specifically need one unit with the 4000 l/min

    From what i can see this appears to be the case , i had a custom large scale alliance mission we did yesterday and we set it with 250k of water to pump first water ladder turned up pump time was going to be and hr something , as more vehicle's arrived including hvp pods the time reduced dramatically down to about 3mins. so im guessing it does mean they stack

    Thanks for responding. I have added them, but I'd needed the water carriers before they were released, I've yet to use any BASU, are they actually required for anything? Or can I retire them and replace them with a unit that I'll actually use?

    i found early on the Basu wasnt in play but it will come , eventually you'll have the option to get OSU which is basu , Hazmat and Welfare in one (tho im not sure if it counts as all 3 on site or just one of the 3

    Depends on whether or not pumps "stack". 2x Water ladders (2000 l/min) equal the pumping power of a pump trailer. Or if you specifically need one unit with the 4000 l/min

    Yup completely understand and agree , having them stackable would be handy espcially with smller stations etc , but your guess is as good as mine

    Yeah, i've got a few stations with them already, so when it said "added new vehicle" i wanted to double check that I wasnt going crazy as I couldnt find any specific new vehicle called a "High volume pump" only the Pod that I've already got.

    But have seen the thing called a "pump trailer" which I take it is the new thing. Not that I see any point to actually equip any station with that specific unit though. Seems like water carriers can handle that job just fine

    i see looking thrtu the possible missions one thing that will vary is the pumping capacity , so possibly haveing the pump trailer and the cater carrier might be all ya need to get it over the line possibly , just my 2 cents thinking

    I wondered if I had just misinterpreted the part about getting 2 additions vehicle slots, glad it wasn't just me who interpreted it that way. I was a little annoyed at not getting the additional slots too.

    Given the likes of the mass casualty etc all say that and give you a couple of spaces but this one doesnt appear to sadly

    Enables the purchase of pump trailers. Adds 2 vehicle slots for them.

    Well Sadly this doesnt seem to be the case , buy the extension , finish it with coins to see and hello no extra spaces

    So after a lil digging and some help in another forum ive learnt we to train some or all of the coastguard crew in critical care as well , my question now is , how do i allocate the last patient to the helecopter for transport so i can complete the missions

    EPIRB Activation (Offshore)

    this new mission looks kool, i have the required resources etc , but ive deployed them and now theres patients including one needing critical care , but i cant dispatch an ambulance to them.

    any suggestions?