Posts by fng89

    Would like to see an update with the ability to put money from your personal account into the alliance account, like a deposit into the bank. As well as using both alliance and person funds, a way to use some of the alliance money without draining the account, say buying a $500,000 building using only $250K of alliance funds, then using the remaining from my personal fund.

    When on the mission screen I have 1 engine responding, but it shows that it requires 1 engine. Is this 1 engine in total? or 1 additional engine (resp. engine + 1 more)?? also when we share a mission, does everyone involved get the (lets say) 1,000c or is it evenly distributed?

    So I have recently started this game, by recently I mean I randomly decided to see what the alliance event would do. We were no where near prepared for the apocalypse it started. The event is over now but we have over 300 event calls. they are taking up all the map and we do not even have the needed apparatus to complete the calls... is there a way to revert to prior event? erase calls? SOMETHING!? HEEEELP!

    Thank you